CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Shake 'N Bake

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Ephraim Kirkland & Katherine Kirkland - August 2008
Sexy Movimiento - Wisin & Yandel
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Start after 32 counts

Or Music:
Earthquake by Ronnie Milsap - 124 bpm (Start after 32) Album: Country Kickers
Mambo (English Version) by Helena Paparizou - 121 bpm (Start after 16)
Do What You Do (normal or rap edit) by Bad Boys Blue - 108 bpm (Start after 16)
Super Love by Exile - 115 bpm (Start after 32) Album: Country Love Notes for Her

(Cross) Rock, Recover-Side-Rock, Recover-Side-Cross, Unwind (¾), Coaster-Step.
1-2 Rock right (foot) across left, recover weight to left
&3 Step right beside left, rock left across right
4& Recover weight t o right, step left beside right
RESTART: Restart here on walls 4 and 7 if dancing to Sexy Movimiento
5-6 Touch right across left, Unwind ¾ turn to the left ending with weight on right (3:00)
7&8 Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward

Step-Touch, Hold, Back-Heel, Hold, Back, Back, Back, Back
&1 Step right to right diagonal, touch left toe diagonally behind right
2 Hold (pose) for one count (clap if you like)
&3 Step left back, dig (touch firmly) right heel forward (lean back for styling)
4 Hold your position (again, clap if you like)
5 Step right back as you swivel your left toes out (left) and twist your left shoulder forward
6 Step left back as you swivel your right toes out (right) and twist your right shoulder forward
7-8 Repeat above two counts, stepping back right, then left (keep most of your weight on your heels)

Side-Bump-Bump, (¼ R) Side-Bump-Bump, (¼ R) Side, (¼ R) Side, (¼ R) Side, Touch (Cross)
1&2 Step rig ht to right side bumping hips to the right, bump left, bump right (still facing 3:00)
3&4 Turn (pivot) ¼ to the right and step left to left side bumping left, bump right, bump left (6:00)
5-6 Turn ¼ right and step right to side (9:00), turn ¼ right and step left to side (12:00)
7 Turn ¼ right and step right to side (3:00)
8 Touch left toe slightly across right as you lean right shoulder back (clap if you like)
Steps 1-7 above should form a square box, as you make a full turn to the right (clockwise).

Step, Mambo-Step, Mambo-Step, (¼ R) Cross, (¼ R) Turn, (½ R) Turn-Side (¼ R)
1 Step left forward
(During the song Mambo; skip next 4 counts here during wall 8)
2&3 Rock right forward, recover weight to left, step right back (right mambo)
4&5 Rock left back, recover weight to right, step left forward (left mambo)
6-7 Turn ¼ to the right and step right across left (6:00), turn ¼ to the right and step left back (9:00)
8& Turn ½ to the right and step right forward (3:00), turn ¼ right and step left to side (6:00)

Easier option for counts 6-8&: Turn ¼ right and step cross, side, cross, side (removing a full turn)


'Sexy Movimiento' Tag: Repeat the first 4.5 (1-4&) counts on walls 4 & 7 (facing 6:00, then 12:00)

'Mambo' Restart: During wall 8, drop the mambo steps in counts 2-5 of last set of 8 (facing 9:00), dance 6-8&, and restart

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