CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Bubbly Smooth

( 1 Stimmen)
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Easy Intermediate
Niels Poulsen (DK) - August 2008
Bubbly - Colbie Caillat : (Album: Coco, 2007)
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Intro: 16 counts from first beat (app. 17 seconds into track). Start with weight on L foot.

Note: On your last wall (6th wall) the music will slow down slightly. Just keep on dancing!

(1 – 8) Side rock cross, side behind, behind turn ¼ step, rocking chair, step ½ L
1& Rock R to R side, recover to L foot 12:00
2&3 Cross R over L, step L to L side, cross R behind L sweeping L to L side 12:00
4&5 Cross L behind R, turn ¼ R stepping fw on R, step fw L 3:00
6&7& Rock R fw, recover L, rock R back, recover L 3:00
8& Step fw R, turn ½ L (weight L) 9:00

(9 – 16) ¼ L into basic, side L, cross & side & back rock, ¼ L, walk back X 2
1 Turn ¼ L making a big step with R to R side 6:00
2&3 Close L behind R, cross R over L, step L to L side 6:00
4&5& Cross rock R over L, recover L, rock R to R side, recover L 6:00
6&7 Rock back on R, recover L, turn ¼ L stepping back on R 3:00
8& Walk back L, walk back R 3:00

(17 – 24) ½ L sweep, cross back ¼ R, weave, behind side, cross rock, & side R
1 Turn ½ L stepping fw on L and sweep R fw 9:00
2&3 Cross R over L, step back on L, turn ¼ R stepping R to R side. * Tag here on 3rd wall 12:00
4&5 Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L behind R sweeping R to R side 12:00
6&7 Cross R behind L, step L to L side, cross rock R over L 12:00
8& Recover weight back to L, step R to R side 12:00

(25 – 32) Cross rock, ¼ L & step fw R, full spiral turn, fw L, lunge R, sailor ¼ L
1 Cross rock L over R 12:00
2&3 Recover weight back on R, turn ¼ L stepping fw on L, step fw on R 9:00
4 – 5 Make full spiral turn over L shoulder (weight ends on R), step fw L 9:00
6 – 7 Lunge R foot fw leaving L leg straightened, recover L 9:00
8& Cross R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping L small step fw 6:00

Begin again!...

Ending On your 6th wall, when the music has slowed down, do the whole dance up to count 31. You’ve just lunged R fw (weight L).
Now turn a slow ¼ R stepping R to R side 12:00

TAG: 1 tag/restart: On wall 3, after 20 counts.
Do the first 19 counts, you’ll be facing 12:00, then sway L to L side and restart dance rocking to the R

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