CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Let's Lie In The Sun

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Phrased Easy Intermediate
Ray Cartwright (UK) - July 2008
Song 6 - Daniel Powter : (CD: Daniel Powter)
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Intro: 32 counts on Vocals.

Dance Rotates clockwise

Dance Sections in the following order: A, B, A, B, A. A (restart after 28 counts), B, B
Note: Continue with Section B after the restart in section A.

SECTION A (starts and finishes on same wall)
(1-9) Side, Cross, Recover, Side Together Side, Rock, Recover, Step Lock Step.
1-3 Step Right to side, cross rock Left over Right, recover on Right.
4&5 Step Left to side, step Right next to Left, step Left. to side.
6-7 Rock back on Right, recover on Left.
8&1 Step fwd on Right, lock Left behind Right, step fwd on Right. 12:00

(10-16) Rock, Recover, ¼ Sailor, Mambo Fwd, Touch.
2-3 Rock fwd on Left, Recover on Right
4&5 Cross Left behind Right, ¼ turn left stepping Right to side, Step Left to side. 9:00
6&7 Rock fwd on Right, recover on Left, step back on Right.
8 Touch left toe out to side.

(&17-24) Touch & Heel & Heel & Touch & Walk Walk, Step Pivot ½ Turn Step.
&1&2 ¼ left stepping down on Left, touch Right toe to side, step Right together, touch Left heel fwd. 6:00
&3&4 Step Left together, touch Right heel fwd, step right together, touch Left toe to side.
&5-6 Step Left together, step fwd on Right, step fwd on Left.
7&8 Step fwd on Right, Pivot ½ turn left, step fwd on Right 12:00

(25-32) Turn, Turn, Shuffle, Side Recover Cross x 2
1-2 Turn ½ right, stepping back on Left, turn ½ turn right stepping fwd on Right.
3&4 Step fwd on Left, step Right together, step fwd on Left.
Restart occurs here on the 4th ‘A’ Sequence. Restart with section B

5&6 Rock Right to side, recover on Left, cross Right over Left.
7&8 Rock Left to side, recover on Right, cross Left over Right.
Easier option for counts 1-2, Step fwd on Left, Step fwd on Right 12:00

SECTION B (Rotates one wall clockwise)
(1-8) Toe, Heel, Cross, Back, Side, Together Step, Heel Struts x2, Coaster Step
1&2& Touch Right toe to Left instep, touch Right heel to Left instep, cross Right over Left, step back on Left.
3&4 Step Right to side, step Left together, step fwd on Right.
5&6& Touch Left heel Fwd, step down on Left, touch Right heel fwd, step down on Right.
7&8 Step back on Left, step Right together, step fwd on Left.

(9-16) Right & Left Vaudevilles, Step Pivot ½ Turn, Mambo Fwd.
1&2& Cross Right over Left, step Left to left side, tap Right heel fwd on right diagonal, step Right together.
3&4& Cross Left over Right, step Right to right side, tap Left heel fwd on left diagonal, step Left together.
5-6 Step fwd on Right, Pivot ½ turn left stepping fwd on Left 6:00
7&8 Rock fwd on Right, recover on Left, step back on Right.

(17-24) Mambo Back, Hitch, ¼ Hitch, Side, Recover, Cross, Side, Behind, ¼ Turn Step, Step
1&2 Rock back on Left, recover on Right, step fwd on Left.
3-4 Hitch Right, ¼ turn right Hitching Right 9:00
5&6 Rock Right to side, recover on Left, cross Right over Left.
&7&8 Step Left to side, cross Right behind Left, ¼ turn to left stepping fwd on Left, step fwd on Right . 6.00

(25-32) ¾ Cross Unwind, Side Recover Cross, Rock Recover Together x 2
1-2 Cross Left over Right, unwind ¾ turn to right, weight remaining on Right. 3:00
3&4 Rock Left to side, recover on Right, Cross Left over Right
5&6 Rock fwd on Right, recover on Left, step together on Right.
7&8 Rock fwd on Left, recover on Right, step together on Left.
Note: Counts 5&6 facing right corner, counts 7&8 facing left corner.

Sequence :
A (starts 12:00), B (starts 12:00), A (starts 3:00), B (starts 3:00), A (starts 6.00), A (restart wall starts 6.00)
B: (after restart starts 6.00), B: (starts 9.00).

Happy Dancing.

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