Stand looking forward during a long 24 count intro, left hip swayed with weight on left foot, left hand on left hip (or thumbs in belt loops) and show that cowboy style attitude)
Chasse Right, Rock Step, Chasse Left, Rock Step
1&2-4 Step side right step left together, step side right, left rock back
5&6-8 Step side left step right together, step side left, right rock back
Double Lock Step, Right Forward, Left Together, Toe Split
1-4 Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, lock left behind right
5-6 Step right forward, step left together
7-8 Heels in place, fan both toes out, toes together
Jazz Square, ½ Right, Two Hip Bumps Forward & Back (Or Sway Hip Forward & Back)
1-4 Cross right over left, step left back, pivot ½ right stepping to side right, step left together
5-6 Step right diagonal forward 2 hip bumps (or sway hip once forward)
7-8 Left diagonal backwards 2 hip bumps (or sway hip once backwards)
Walk Right Stomp, Walk Left Stomp, Body Roll
1-2 Walk right forward, stomp left next to right (weight on right)
3-4 Walk left forward, stomp right next to left (weight on both feet)
5-8 Bend knees, lean back, circle forward (body roll)
Stand looking forward during a long 24 count intro, left hip swayed with weight on left foot, left hand on left hip (or thumbs in belt loops) and show that cowboy style attitude)
Chasse Right, Rock Step, Chasse Left, Rock Step
1&2-4 Step side right step left together, step side right, left rock back
5&6-8 Step side left step right together, step side left, right rock back
Double Lock Step, Right Forward, Left Together, Toe Split
1-4 Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, lock left behind right
5-6 Step right forward, step left together
7-8 Heels in place, fan both toes out, toes together
Jazz Square, ½ Right, Two Hip Bumps Forward & Back (Or Sway Hip Forward & Back)
1-4 Cross right over left, step left back, pivot ½ right stepping to side right, step left together
5-6 Step right diagonal forward 2 hip bumps (or sway hip once forward)
7-8 Left diagonal backwards 2 hip bumps (or sway hip once backwards)
Walk Right Stomp, Walk Left Stomp, Body Roll
1-2 Walk right forward, stomp left next to right (weight on right)
3-4 Walk left forward, stomp right next to left (weight on both feet)
5-8 Bend knees, lean back, circle forward (body roll)