Intro : 32 Counts
Step Fwd, Hold, Ball-step, Pivot ¾ Turn L, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Point
1-2 Step R forward, hold
&3-4 Step on ball of L next to R, step R fwd, ¾ pivot turn left
5-6 Step R to right side, step L behind R
&7-8 Step R to right side, cross L over R, point R to right side
Behind, Sweep ¼ Turn L, Sailor/Kick-ball-Cross, Hold, Ball -Cross Rock Recover
1-2 Step back on R, sweep L into ¼ turn left
3& Step L behind R, step R in place
4&5-6 Kick L to left diagonal, step on ball of L next to R, cross R over L, hold
&7-8 Step L small step to left side, rock R over L, recover on L
Monterey ¼ Right, Side-Rock-Cross, Monterey ¼ Right, Point, Kick-Ball-Point
1-2 Point R to right side, ¼ turn right on L –step R together
3&4 Rock L to left side, recover on R, cross L over R
5-6 Point R to R side, ¼ turn right on L –step R together
7 Point L to left side
8&1 Kick L forward, step L next to R, point R to right side
Hold, Ball-Step, Step, Point, Hold, Ball-Step, Step
2 Hold
&3-4 Step R next to L, walk forward L, R
5-6 Point L to left, hold
&7-8 Step L next to R, walk forward R, L
Step, ½ Turn Left with Hook, Step, Kick-Ball-Rock Step, Coaster Step
1-2 Step R forward, ½ Turn L on R –hook L in front of R
3 Step L forward
4&5-6 Kick R forward, step on ball of R next to L, rock L forward, recover on R
7&8 Step back on L, step R together, step L forward***Restartpoint
Rock Fwd, Triple Full Turn Right, Rock Fwd, ½ Turn L Step Fwd, Sweep ¼ Turn L
1-2 Rock R forward, recover on L
3&4 Triple full turn right on the spot, stepping R,L,R
5-6 Rock L forward, recover on L
7-8 ½ Turn left –step L forward, sweep R into ¼ turn left
Cross, Back, Chasse R, Cross Rock, Triple 1 ¼ Turn Left (Or Chasse ¼ Turn L)
1-2 Cross R over L, step back on L
3&4 Step R to right side, step L together, step R to right side
5-6 Rock L over R
7&8 ¼ Turn L step L fwd, ½ turn Left step back on R, ½ turn left step L fwd (Easy option: Chasse ¼ turn Left)
Pivot ¼ Turn L, Cross Shuffle, Side, Touch, Step, Pivot ½ Turn L
1-2 Step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn left
3&4 Cross R over L, step L to left side, cross R over L
5-6 Step L to left side, touch R next to L
7-8 Step forward on R, pivot ½ turn left
TAG: At the end of 2nd wall (6:00)
1-2 Rock forward on R, recover on L
3-4 Rock back on R, recover on L
RESTART: On 5th wall after count 40, restart dance from count 1 (12:00)
ENDING: At the end of 7th wall, Turn ½ left, step back on R to finish on front wall
Step Fwd, Hold, Ball-step, Pivot ¾ Turn L, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Point
1-2 Step R forward, hold
&3-4 Step on ball of L next to R, step R fwd, ¾ pivot turn left
5-6 Step R to right side, step L behind R
&7-8 Step R to right side, cross L over R, point R to right side
Behind, Sweep ¼ Turn L, Sailor/Kick-ball-Cross, Hold, Ball -Cross Rock Recover
1-2 Step back on R, sweep L into ¼ turn left
3& Step L behind R, step R in place
4&5-6 Kick L to left diagonal, step on ball of L next to R, cross R over L, hold
&7-8 Step L small step to left side, rock R over L, recover on L
Monterey ¼ Right, Side-Rock-Cross, Monterey ¼ Right, Point, Kick-Ball-Point
1-2 Point R to right side, ¼ turn right on L –step R together
3&4 Rock L to left side, recover on R, cross L over R
5-6 Point R to R side, ¼ turn right on L –step R together
7 Point L to left side
8&1 Kick L forward, step L next to R, point R to right side
Hold, Ball-Step, Step, Point, Hold, Ball-Step, Step
2 Hold
&3-4 Step R next to L, walk forward L, R
5-6 Point L to left, hold
&7-8 Step L next to R, walk forward R, L
Step, ½ Turn Left with Hook, Step, Kick-Ball-Rock Step, Coaster Step
1-2 Step R forward, ½ Turn L on R –hook L in front of R
3 Step L forward
4&5-6 Kick R forward, step on ball of R next to L, rock L forward, recover on R
7&8 Step back on L, step R together, step L forward***Restartpoint
Rock Fwd, Triple Full Turn Right, Rock Fwd, ½ Turn L Step Fwd, Sweep ¼ Turn L
1-2 Rock R forward, recover on L
3&4 Triple full turn right on the spot, stepping R,L,R
5-6 Rock L forward, recover on L
7-8 ½ Turn left –step L forward, sweep R into ¼ turn left
Cross, Back, Chasse R, Cross Rock, Triple 1 ¼ Turn Left (Or Chasse ¼ Turn L)
1-2 Cross R over L, step back on L
3&4 Step R to right side, step L together, step R to right side
5-6 Rock L over R
7&8 ¼ Turn L step L fwd, ½ turn Left step back on R, ½ turn left step L fwd (Easy option: Chasse ¼ turn Left)
Pivot ¼ Turn L, Cross Shuffle, Side, Touch, Step, Pivot ½ Turn L
1-2 Step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn left
3&4 Cross R over L, step L to left side, cross R over L
5-6 Step L to left side, touch R next to L
7-8 Step forward on R, pivot ½ turn left
TAG: At the end of 2nd wall (6:00)
1-2 Rock forward on R, recover on L
3-4 Rock back on R, recover on L
RESTART: On 5th wall after count 40, restart dance from count 1 (12:00)
ENDING: At the end of 7th wall, Turn ½ left, step back on R to finish on front wall