Phrased Intermediate
Note: in verse you are dancing the 64 counts, but in chorus, you are dancing 32 counts,
You are dancing the 64 counts once and 32 counts twice. And that you shall do in the whole dance.
R Forward walk x2 , side point, forward point, side, L walk back x2, side point, forward point, side.
1-2 Walk on R, L
3&4 Point R to R side, point R forward, step R to R side
5-6 Walk back L, R
7&8 Point L to L side, point L forward, step L to L side
Side, together, L chassé, diagonal step, touch, diagonal step, touch.
1-2 Step R to R, step L together R
3&4 Step R to R side, step L together R, step R to R side
5-6 Step L to L diagonal, touch R together L
7-8 Step R to R diagonal, touch L together R
Cross, side kick, cross side kick, L chassé, cross, side.
1-2 Cross L over R, kick R to R side
3-4 Cross R over L, kick L to L side
5&6 Step L to L side, step R together L, step L to L side
7-8 Cross R over L, step L to L side
Point, 1/2 turn R, ball step, 1/4 turn R, together, kick ball change.
1-2 Point R foot back, Turn ½ over R shoulder (weight on R) (6:00)
&3 Make weight change step L together R, step forward on R
4-5 Step forward on L , turn ¼ over R shoulder (weight on R) (9:00)
6 Step L together R
7&8 Kick R forward, step ball of right beside left, step left in place
Note: Here you start again in the chorus. But in verse just keep going
Side, Point behind, side point behind, rock, recover, lock step back.
1-2 Step R to R side, point L behind R
3-4 Step L to L side, point R behind L
5-6 Rock forward on R, recover on L
7&8 Step back on R, lock L over R, step back on R
Rumba box (slow)
1-2 Step L to L side, step R together L
3-4 Step forward on L, hold
5-6 Step R to R side, step L together R
7-8 Step back on R, hold
Out, out, in, in, rock recover, out, out.
1-2 Step L out to L side, step R out to R side
3-4 Step L in, step R in
5-6 Rock forward on L, recover on R
7-8 Step L out to L side, step R out to R side
Side rock, recover, behind, side, cross, side rock, recover, touch, point forward
1-2 Rock L to L side, recover on R
3&4 Step L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
5-6 Rock R to R side, recover on L
7-8 Touch R to L, Point R forward
Start again and enjoy the music
You are dancing the 64 counts once and 32 counts twice. And that you shall do in the whole dance.
R Forward walk x2 , side point, forward point, side, L walk back x2, side point, forward point, side.
1-2 Walk on R, L
3&4 Point R to R side, point R forward, step R to R side
5-6 Walk back L, R
7&8 Point L to L side, point L forward, step L to L side
Side, together, L chassé, diagonal step, touch, diagonal step, touch.
1-2 Step R to R, step L together R
3&4 Step R to R side, step L together R, step R to R side
5-6 Step L to L diagonal, touch R together L
7-8 Step R to R diagonal, touch L together R
Cross, side kick, cross side kick, L chassé, cross, side.
1-2 Cross L over R, kick R to R side
3-4 Cross R over L, kick L to L side
5&6 Step L to L side, step R together L, step L to L side
7-8 Cross R over L, step L to L side
Point, 1/2 turn R, ball step, 1/4 turn R, together, kick ball change.
1-2 Point R foot back, Turn ½ over R shoulder (weight on R) (6:00)
&3 Make weight change step L together R, step forward on R
4-5 Step forward on L , turn ¼ over R shoulder (weight on R) (9:00)
6 Step L together R
7&8 Kick R forward, step ball of right beside left, step left in place
Note: Here you start again in the chorus. But in verse just keep going
Side, Point behind, side point behind, rock, recover, lock step back.
1-2 Step R to R side, point L behind R
3-4 Step L to L side, point R behind L
5-6 Rock forward on R, recover on L
7&8 Step back on R, lock L over R, step back on R
Rumba box (slow)
1-2 Step L to L side, step R together L
3-4 Step forward on L, hold
5-6 Step R to R side, step L together R
7-8 Step back on R, hold
Out, out, in, in, rock recover, out, out.
1-2 Step L out to L side, step R out to R side
3-4 Step L in, step R in
5-6 Rock forward on L, recover on R
7-8 Step L out to L side, step R out to R side
Side rock, recover, behind, side, cross, side rock, recover, touch, point forward
1-2 Rock L to L side, recover on R
3&4 Step L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
5-6 Rock R to R side, recover on L
7-8 Touch R to L, Point R forward
Start again and enjoy the music