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Neil Calvert (WLS) - May 2008
Virtuoso - David King : (Album: Spirit of the dance)
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Suggested music: 'Celtic Tiger' from the album 'Celtic Tiger' by Ronan Hardiman

Virtuoso – Dance starts after 40 seconds and speed of music increases about half way through.
Celtic Rock - Dance begins after 28 seconds at the sound of the drum beats and speed of track varies throughout

(1-8) Right hitch, kick, step right left right in place, left hitch kick, step back left right left
1-2 Hitch with right leg then kick right leg
3&4 Step forward right, left, right
5-6 Hitch with left leg then kick left leg
7&8 Step back left, right, left.

(9-16) Cross rock, side together side, cross rock side together quarter turn
9-10 Cross right foot over left and replace
11&12 Step to right side, step left beside right, step right to right side
13-14 Cross left foot over right and replace
15&16 Step left to left side, step right beside left making a quarter turn to the left, step left foot forward.

(17-24) Sweep step rock, rock, sweep step, step forward on right stomp left and right
17-18 Sweep right leg anti-clockwise from behind in front (weight on ball of right foot)
19-20 Rock left to left side (diagonally back from right) and replace weight on to right
21-22 Sweep left leg clockwise from behind to step in front
23&24 Step forward on right level with the left foot and stomp down left and right

(25-32) Behind side forward hold, cross, quarter turn left, step forward left right and clap twice
25-26 Cross left leg behind right, step right to right side
27-28 Walk forward on left level with the right foot and hold (weight on left foot)
29-30 Cross right foot over left making a quarter turn to the left, walk forward on left
31&32 Step forward on right, clap twice (weight on left foot).

(33-40) Weave left and point, weave right with quarter turn and tap behind twice
33-34 Cross right over left, step left to left side
35-36 Cross right behind left, point left to left side
37-38 Cross left over right, step right to right side making a quarter turn to the left
39&40 Cross left behind right, tap right toe behind twice.

(41-48) Rock, rock, point to side and replace, heel switches and clap
41-42 Rock forward on right, rock back on left
43-44 Point right foot to right side, bring right foot back
45& Touch left heel forward step left beside right,
46& Touch right heel forward step right beside left,
47&48 Touch left heel forward step left beside right, clap.

Start again and enjoy

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