CopperKnob Stepsheets

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My Medicine

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Intermediate Advanced Funky Polka
Merete Sevel (DK) - April 2008
My Medicine - Snoop Dogg : (Album: Ego Trippin')
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Sequence: 32 counts intro, 40, Tag, 40,40,40,40
Start 32 counts after music begins. Arm movements in Dark Print.

Step back, Touch back, 1/4 turn L, 2xHitch touch hitch step, 1/4 turn L
1&2 Step back on R, touch L back, turn 1/4 Left on L toe and R heel (9.00)
Take your L hand in your R hand (arms down in front of you) (2)
&3&4 Hitch L knee, touch L diagonally fw, hitch L knee, step down on L
(Still holding your own hands) lift them up at chest level (&) bring them down over your L leg (3)
Repeat &3 (&4)
&5&6 Repeat &3&4 with R leg
Same arm movements as &3&4 but over your R leg (&5&6)
&7&8 Make 1/4 turn Left by rolling hips anticlockwise twice (6.00)
(end with weight on L)
(Still holding your own hands) hands move in a circle twice in front of you anticlockwise (&7&8)

Hitch, 4xStep back & Hitch, Kick, Touch, 1/2 turn Left
& Hitch R
1& Step slightly back on R, step L in front of R (third position) while hitching R
2&3&4& Repeat 1& three times
Pop chest fw when you step back on R and pop chest back when you hitch R
(1&2&3&4&) ****
5 Kick L fw with flexed foot
6 Touch L behind R
&7&8 Make 1/2 turn Left by rolling hips anticlockwise twice (12.00)
(end with weight on R)

Step fw, Hitch, 1/4 turn R, Hitch, Step, Bend legs/straighten up
1 Step fw on L
2 Hitch R
3 Step R 1/4 turn Right (3.00)
4 Hitch L
5 Step L next to R
&6 Bend legs popping knees out, straighten up
&7&8 Repeat &6 twice
Move arms down in front of you palms together - fingers pointed to the
floor (&)
Move L arm slightly to the Left and R arm slightly to the Right
palms to the floor – fingers pointing to the sides (5)
Turn hands so that you have palms upwards – fingertips touch at stomach
level (as though you are holding/lifting something in the palms of your
hands) (&6)
Lower hands slightly, bring them back up a little bit (&7)
Repeat &5

L 1/2 Sailor Turn, Shuffle fw, Full triple turn, Mambo fw
1&2 Left sailor 1/2 turn (9.00)
3&4 Shuffle fw R-L-R with prep
5&6 Full triple turn Right
7&8 Rock fw on R, recover on L, step R next to L

Lock step back, Hitch, Lock step back, Scuff, Lock step back, Hitch, Lock step back, Step
1&2 Step L diagonally back to the Left, cross R in front of L, step back on L
& Hitch R
3&4 Step R diagonally back to the Right, cross L in front of R, step back on R
(keep L heel to the floor)
& Scuff L toes backwards
5&6& Repeat 1&2&
7&8 Repeat 3&4
& Step L next to R

Tag (you will be doing the tag at 9 o’clock after wall number 1):
Mambo turn R, Hitch, Mambo turn L
1& Step 1/4 turn Right on R, step L behind R (12.00)
2&3& Repeat 1& twice (6.00)
4 Step 1/4 turn Right on R (9.00)
& Hitch L
5& Step 1/4 turn Left on L, step R behind L (6.00)
6&7& Repeat 5& twice (12.00)
8 Step 1/4 turn Left on L (9.00)

Music stops when you are doing 8& in the last section. Instead of stepping back on R and L next to R: Turn 1/4 turn Right (12.00) and pose.

****Optional: In Section 2 counts 1&2&3&4& you can pop your shoulders:
Pop R shoulder down and L shoulder up when you step back on R
Pop R shoulder up and L shoulder down when you hitch R leg

And remember: Keep the whole thing bouncy!

April 27 - 2008
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