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Get Up And Step Up

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Sophia van Hees (NL) - April 2008
Just Give It Up - Ciara
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The Dance order is: A, A, A, B, B ??????

Part A is 32 counts, Part B is 16 Counts

Part A
Bodyroll right & Hitch, Replace & Hitch, 2x a ¼ Turn Step, ¼ Push Slide & Step together
1- 2 Rf right making bodyroll starting from the head, finish roll and replace Rf with Lf hitching R-knee
Arm styling: Move L-arm from the back to a angled above head
&3&4 Rf small step right, Lf replace Rf hitching R-knee, repeat once more
Arm styling: Move L-arm back on & and above head again on 3, repeat once more
5- 6 Rf step right with a ¼ right (3:00), ¼ right Lf steps back (12:00 and facing 6:00)
7- 8 ¼ right Rf slides right (12:00 and facing 9:00), Lf next to Rf
Arm styling: Push yourself away with both arms (diagonal down)

TWO x Break Back Hitch L & R, Mambo Cross, Circular Hitch & Cross over, ¾ right& Touch together
1&2& R-knee hitch up, Rf step forward, L-knee hitch up, Lf step forward
Arm styling: both arms up (preparation) Elbows move down to knee on 1, repeat once more
3&4 Rf rock right, Lf rock back in place, Rf cross over Lf
5- 6 In a circular motion to the left hitch L-knee up, Lf cross over Rf
7- 8 Unwind ¾ turn right (weight on Lf) (facing 6:00), Rf touch in place

Hair Stroke into Push Slide & Touch, Triple fwd, Jump & Kick, Cross & Unwind ½ Right
&1- 2 Move R-arm back over head, Lf slide left while R-arm pushes away, Rf touch next to Lf
3&4 Rf step forward, Lf step forward, Rf touch next to Lf
5- 6 Jump forward on Rf leaving Lf up behind, Lf kick forward
Arm styling: Both arm to the side on 5, L-arm down and R-arm up on 6
7- 8 Lf cross over RF and go though knees slightly, Turn ½ right (facing 12:00)
Arm styling: R-arm Down in front on 7

Slow Body Shaking L, Slow Body Shaking R, Swivel Steps fwd, ¼ Left & Touch together
1&2 Lf step left and push hip and shoulders back, return to normal stance, push hip and shoulders back
3&4 Repeat ‘count 1&2’ to the Right (Try to accent this move on 1,2,3,4 not the & counts)
Arm styling: L-arm moves parallel in front of ches, same with R-arm
5- 6 Turn Lf out and step forward, Turn Rf out and step forward
7- 8 Turn Lf out and step left, Rf touch next to Lf

Part B:
Moonwalk Sweeps forward 6x, Full Body Ripple turning ½ left
1,2,3,4 Rf step slightly fwd while Lf sweeps from side to the front (Rf pushes Lf away), Repeat with L,R,L
5- 6 Repeat with Rf, Touch Lf next right foot
7- 8 Lf touch back while R-arm goes up slighty bend. Make a body ripple starting from R-arm, then Head & body while turning a ¼ to the left (face 9:00) (Weight moves towards LF)

Finish Full Body Ripple, Chest Pops ‘on lyric’, Hitch & Cross + Arm moves on lyric, Chest Pop on lyric
1 Finish ripple turning ¼ left and moving weight on Lf (face6:00) (accent ripple on “Ring, the, Alarm”)
2,3,4 Turn a ¼ left while popping Chest forward 3 times (face 9:00) (on “The, Club, Is”)
5,6,7 L-kee hitch up & R-arm goes up, Lf cross over Rf R-arm goes down, ½ turn right (face 3:00)
8& Pop chest forward, Pop back (on “Get, Up”)
Styling note: All pops can be accented by moving hand(s) in front of chest doing the same motion.

End of Dance, Check top of sheet for the Dance Order

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