CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I've Got A Real Love

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Low Intermediate
Steve Lustgraaf (USA) - March 2008
Real Love - Katherine McPhee & Elliott Yamin : (Album: Randy Jackson's Music Club Volume One)
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Dance starts 16 counts in, just before vocals start. No tags, no restarts.

Side Rock, Half Turn Sailor Step, Side Rock, Crossing Triple
1-2 Step side L, replace R
3&4 Step behind L, Side R, Step L across (you have done a ½ turn to the left, now facing 6 o’clock)
5-6 Step side R, replace L (turning slightly left)
7&8 Step R across L, Side L, Step R across L
Note: When doing steps 3-6, I actually curve the whole movement to the left for good flow and continuation.

Step, Turn, Triple Step, Rock Step, ¼ Turning Coaster Step
9-10 Step forward L, turn almost ½ turn right and Step R (now facing 9 o’clock)
11&12 Step forward L, Step together R, Step forward L
13-14 Step forward R, Replace L
15&16 Sweep around to the right ¼ turn Step R behind, Step together L, Step forward R

Step, Turn , Triple Step, Step, Turn, Triple Step
17-18 Step forward L, Turn ½ right Step R
19&20 Step forward L, step together R, Step forward L
21-22 Step forward R, Turn ½ left Step L
23&24 Step R forward, Step L together, Step R forward

Step, Turn, Crossing Triple, Side Rock, Behind, Side, Cross
25-26 Step forward L, Turn ½ right Step R
27&28 Step L across R, Side R, Step L across R
29-30 Side R, Replace L
31&32 Step R behind, Side L, Cross R

Start Again

For a clean ending, on the last wall, leave off the last 8 counts and walk forward for 4 counts and you will end at the front wall right at the end of the song. Have fun!

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