Dance begins 16 counts in with Vocals
Right Diagonal Toe Struts, Side Rock Cross, Left Diagonal Toe Struts, Side Rock Cross
1&2& Right toe, Heel, Left Toe, Heel diagonally to the right
3&4 Step side right, recover left, cross right over left
5&6& Left toe, heel, Right toe heel, diagonally to the left
7&8 Step side left, recover right, cross left over right
Right Toe Touch front & Back, Back Left step lock step, Right Coaster Step , ¾ Turn Right with a hitch
1&2 Touch right toe to front, touch right toe back and take weight on right
3&4 Step back left, step back with right in front of left, step back left
5&6 Step back right, step back left, step forward right
7&8& Step forward left , ¼ turn right and pivot half turn right, with weight on left, hitch Right foot across left leg (Facing 9:00 wall)
Right Step Lock Step, brush, Left step lock step brush, Scissor Cross 2x Travelling Backwards
1&2& Step forward right and lock left behind and step forward right and brush left
3&4& Step forward left and lock right behind and step forward left and brush right
5&6 Rock side right and recover left, cross right over left
7&8 Rock side left and recover right, cross left over right
Right Shuffle, ¼ turn left shuffle, Right Mambo, Full turn left
1&2 Shuffle to the side-right left right
3&4 Turning ¼ to the left, shuffle left right left (Facing 6:00 Wall)
5&6 Step Forward right and recover left, step back right
7&8 Step forward left pivot ½ left and step forward right, pivot 1/2 left
(alternate move instead of turn is a left coaster)
Ready to start the dance again!!
*Tag: After the 7th wall, do the shuffle to the right, shuffle ¼ turn left, shuffle to the right shuffle ¼ turn left. Brings you back to the front wall and music becomes instrumental-You can dance it out when music starts by shuffling around to each wall or fade or fade.
Right Diagonal Toe Struts, Side Rock Cross, Left Diagonal Toe Struts, Side Rock Cross
1&2& Right toe, Heel, Left Toe, Heel diagonally to the right
3&4 Step side right, recover left, cross right over left
5&6& Left toe, heel, Right toe heel, diagonally to the left
7&8 Step side left, recover right, cross left over right
Right Toe Touch front & Back, Back Left step lock step, Right Coaster Step , ¾ Turn Right with a hitch
1&2 Touch right toe to front, touch right toe back and take weight on right
3&4 Step back left, step back with right in front of left, step back left
5&6 Step back right, step back left, step forward right
7&8& Step forward left , ¼ turn right and pivot half turn right, with weight on left, hitch Right foot across left leg (Facing 9:00 wall)
Right Step Lock Step, brush, Left step lock step brush, Scissor Cross 2x Travelling Backwards
1&2& Step forward right and lock left behind and step forward right and brush left
3&4& Step forward left and lock right behind and step forward left and brush right
5&6 Rock side right and recover left, cross right over left
7&8 Rock side left and recover right, cross left over right
Right Shuffle, ¼ turn left shuffle, Right Mambo, Full turn left
1&2 Shuffle to the side-right left right
3&4 Turning ¼ to the left, shuffle left right left (Facing 6:00 Wall)
5&6 Step Forward right and recover left, step back right
7&8 Step forward left pivot ½ left and step forward right, pivot 1/2 left
(alternate move instead of turn is a left coaster)
Ready to start the dance again!!
*Tag: After the 7th wall, do the shuffle to the right, shuffle ¼ turn left, shuffle to the right shuffle ¼ turn left. Brings you back to the front wall and music becomes instrumental-You can dance it out when music starts by shuffling around to each wall or fade or fade.