CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Men? Yuck!

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Dougie D (UK) - December 2007
Men - The Forester Sisters
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Intro: 32 Counts.

Toe struts and finger clicks x2, heel dig and hook, heel digs fwd x2.
1-2 step fwd on right toes, drop right heel, and click fingers,
3-4 step fwd on left toes, drop left heel, and click fingers,
5-6 dig right heel fwd, hook right leg across left,
7-8 dig right heel fwd twice

Lock steps fwd and scuff, lock steps fwd and tap.
1-2 step fwd on right ,step left behind right,
3-4 step fwd on right, scuff left fwd,
5-6 step fwd on left, step right behind left,
7-8 step left fwd, tap right beside left

Make 1/4 monterey right x2.
1-2 point right toe to right side, step right beside left with 1/4 turn right
3-4 point left toe to left side, step left beside right
5-8 repeat 1-2,and 3-4 (should be facing 6'o'clock)

Side rock to right, 1/4 turn left, step fwd on right, step fwd on left pivot 1/2 turn right, step fwd on left, and clap
1-2 rock right to right side, recover on left with 1/4 turn left,
3-4 step fwd on right and hold,
5-6 step fwd on left, pivot 1/2 turn right,
7-8 step fwd on left, and hold and clap

Vine to right and side taps
1-2 step right to right side, cross left behind right,
3-4 step right to right side, tap left beside right
5-6 step left to left side, tap right beside left.
7-8 step right to right side, tap left beside right,

Vine to left and side tap
1-2 step left to left side, cross right behind left,
3-4 step left to left side, tap right beside left
5-6 step right to right side, tap left beside right
7-8 step left to left side, tap right beside left

Begin again.

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