CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Love is a Mystery

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Gordon Timms (UK) - November 2007
Mystery - Modern Talking : (CD'S: Universe)
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Intro: 32 Counts after heavy beat kicks in…start on the vocals… (on the word ‘picture’)

SECTION 1: Two walks, Kick ball Point, and Point, Swivel, Sailor Quarter Turn Right.
1 - 2 Walk Forward Right, Walk Forward Left.
3 & 4 Low kick forward with the right foot, step down and replace weight on to right, point left to left side.
& 5 6 Step left next to right (&) Point right to right side (5) Feet remaining – on balls of both feet swivel ¼ right (6)
7 & 8 Sweep right around and behind left, turn ¼ right on the second step, step right slightly forward. [Faces 6.00]

SECTION 2: Full Turn, (Two Walks) Kick Ball Point, Sailor Quarter Turn Right, Step Pivot Half Turn Right.
1 - 2 Stepping back on left turn ½ turn right, turn ½ turn right stepping forward on right. (Option of two walks)
3 & 4 Low kick forward with the left foot, step down and replace weight on to the left, point right to right side.
5 & 6 Sweep right around and behind left, turn ¼ right on the second step, step right slightly forward
7 8 Step forward on the left, pivot turn half right, step forward slightly right [Faces 3.00]

SECTION 3: Half Turn Right, Low Kick, Back Lock Step, Cross, Step, Step Back, Side, and Cross
1 - 2 Stepping back on left turn ½ turn right with weight (1) Low kick forward with the right foot. (2)
3 & 4 On the right diagonal, Step back on the right, Cross left over right, Step back on the right.
5 - 6 On the left diagonal, Step back on the left, Cross right over the left.
& 7 8 Straighten up and step left slightly back(&), step right to right side(7), cross left over right with weight(8) [Faces 9.00]

SECTION 4: ‘Boto Fogos’ to the Left and Right, Toe Back Half Turn, Forward Lock Step.
1 & 2 Rock right out to right side, recover on to left, travelling slightly forward cross right over left.
3 & 4 Rock left out to left side, recover on to right, travelling slightly forward cross left over right.
5 6 Step right toe slightly back behind left, swivel half turn right on the balls of both feet with weight on right.
7 & 8 Step forward on the left, lock right foot behind left, step forward on the left. [Faces 3.00]

SECTION 5: Quarter Turn and Side, Diagonal Right ‘Volta’, Half Turn and Side, Diagonal Left ‘Volta’.
1 - 2 Turning ¼ turn left step back on right, Step left to left side. (12:00)
3 & 4 On a slightly forward diagonal, Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left..
5 - 6 Turning ½ turn right step back on left, Step right to right side. (6:00)
7 & 8 On a slightly forward diagonal, Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right. [Faces 6.00]

SECTION 6: Press forward, Recover, Behind, Side and Step, Rock forward, Recover, Triple Full Turn.
1 - 2 On the right diagonal, Press right forward bending right knee slightly, recover on to left.
3 & 4 Step right behind left, step left to left side, step slightly forward on right.
5 - 6 Rock forward on the left, recover on to right.
7 & 8 Make a full turn left with a triple step, stepping L-R-L (Option…Left Coaster Step). [Faces 6.00]

Begin Again

TAG: At the END of Walls 1 and 3 - Bump Hips RIGHT – LEFT - RIGHT – LEFT & HOLD!
1 – 2 & 3 - 4 Right to side bump hips to right, bumps hips left, bumps hips right, bumps hips left, HOLD.

The hips go with the drum beats… hopefully?

FINISH: The dance music finishes at the END of Section Two, change the half turn into a quarter and finish facing the front with feet together.

This dance was written for my dear friend: SALLY GEORGE – EUGENE – OREGON – USA.

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