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Baby, It's Cold Outside

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Intermediate (Laid Back)
Phil Johnson (UK) - October 2007
Baby, It's Cold Outside (with Dolly Parton) - Rod Stewart : (CD: Stardust - The Great American Songbook)
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Intro 16 counts (100bbm).

Right Touch Ball Cross, Chasse Right, Rock Back, Recover, Left Touch Ball Cross
1&2 Touch right toe forward, step on ball of right beside left, cross step left in front of right;
3&4 Step right to right side, step on left beside right, step right to right side;
5-6 Rock back on left, recover weight forward on right;
7&8 Touch left toe forward, step on ball of left beside right, cross step right in front of left. (12 0’clock)

Chasse Left with ¼ turn Left. Shuffle Half Turn Left, ¼ Turn Left Chasse Left, Right Hook, Chasse Right
&9&10 (Leaning left into the Chasse) Slightly hitch left, Step left to left side, step right beside left, ¼ turn left stepping left forward; (9 0’clock)
&11&12 (Leaning right into the half turn Shuffle) Slightly hitch right, ¼ turn left stepping right to right side, step left beside right, ¼ turn left stepping back on right; (3 0’clock)
&13&14 (leaning left into the Chasse left) Slightly hitch left, ¼ turn left stepping left to left side, step right beside left, step left to left side; (12 0’clock)
&15&16 Slightly hitch right, Step right to right side, step left beside right, step right to right side. (12 0’clock)

Weave Right, Dig Left Heel Forward, Weave left, Dig Right Heel Forward
17&18&19&20 Cross step left behind right, step right to right side, cross step left in front of right, step right to right side, cross step left behind right, step right to right side, dig left heel forward; (to slight left diagonal)
&21&22&23&24 Step left beside right, cross step right in front of left, step left to left side, cross step right behind left, step left to left side, cross step right in front of left, step left to left side, dig right heel forward; (to slight right diagonal) (12 0’clock)

Jumps back with Toe Touch Forward x 4, Right Hook, Right Shuffle Forward, Left Shuffle ½ Turn Right
&25&26 (gentle) Jump Back on right, touch left toe forward, (gentle) Jump back on left, touch right toe forward;
&27&28 Repeat steps &25&26;
&29&30 Hook right in front of left knee, Step on right to right diagonal, step on left beside right, step right forward to right diagonal; (12.30ish)
31&32 ¼ turn right stepping left to left side, step right beside left, ¼ turn right (squaring to back wall) stepping back on left. (6 0’clock)

Jump Right, Cross Touch left, Jump Left, Cross Touch Right, Jump Right Cross Touch Left, Two Left Heel Digs, Full Turn Right with ¼ Paddles –Repeat leading with Left
&33&34 (Gentle) Jump to right on right foot, touch left toe across and in front of right, (gentle) jump to left on left foot, touch right toe across and in front of left
&35&36 (Gentle) Jump to right on right foot, touch left toe across and in front of right, tap left toe twice slightly in front of and to left of right foot
&37 Rock forward on left ¼ turning to right as you recover weight on right;
&38&39&40 repeat steps &37.(6 0’clock)
&41-48 Repeat steps &33-&40 leading with the left foot

Jump Right, Step on left, Brush Right Forwards backwards Forwards x 2
&49-52 Jump slightly to right, step on left beside right, brush right, forward, brush right back across left, brush right forward
&53-56 Repeat steps &49-52

Why not try lifting shoulders up and down as you jump right, palms of both hands face

(Travelling to the right) Jump Right Cross Left, Jump Quarter left Feet Apart, Jump ¼ Right Cross Left, Jump ¼ Left Feet Apart;
&57 Jump on ball of right to right side, cross step left in front of right (6 0’clock)
&58 &Jump ¼ turn left stepping onto ball of right to right side, step on left to left side (3 0’clock)
&59 ¼ turn right jumping onto ball of right to right side, cross step left in front of right, (6 0’clock)
&60 Jump ¼ turn left stepping onto ball of right to right side, step on left to left side (3 0’clock)

(Syncopated ¾ Rolling Vine turning left travelling towards 3 0’clock) Jump ¼ Left and Cross Left Over Right, Jump ¼ Left Feet Apart, Jump ¼ Left cross Left in front of Right, Jump back Right, Step Left
&61 Jump ¼ turn left stepping onto ball of right to right side, cross step left over right (12 0’clock)
&62 Jump ¼ turn left stepping onto ball of right to right side, step on left to left side; (9 0’clock)
&63 Jump ¼ turn left cross stepping on ball of right behind left, cross step left in front of right (weight on left) (6 0’clock)
&64 Step slightly back onto ball of right, step onto left to left side (weight on left) (6 0’clock)

Note: These last 16 steps are easier if you just use the ball of the right and flat foot with the left and, particularly during &57 -60, twisting the body left right left (practice that’s all)

Begin again.

Tag on Home wall at the end of wall two

Cross Side Behind and Heel and Cross Side Behind and Heel and Cross Side Behind and Heel
1,2 3&4 Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross step right behind left, step back on left and dig right heel forward to right diagonal
&5,6 7&8 Step on right beside left, cross step left in front of right, step right to right side, cross step left behind right, step back on right and dig left heel forward to left diagonal
&9,10 11&12 Step on left beside right, cross right over left, step left to left side, cross step right behind left, step back on left and dig right heel forward to right diagonal
& Slightly hitch right (ready to start with the touch ball cross)

Dance ends as music fades on counts 31&32 so just add
33&34 Another half turn shuffle right to face the home wall as Dolly finally succumbs to Mr Rod Stewart

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