Step, Right Lock Step, 1/2 Turn Point, & Step 3/4, Sweep Behind & Cross. | |
1 Step forward on Left | |
2&3 Step forward on Right, lock Left behind Right, step forward on Right. | |
4 Pivot 1/2 turn to RIGHT pointing Left to Left side [6:00]. | |
&5-6 Step Left next to Right, step forward on Right, pivot 3/4 turn to Left sweeping Left round & behind [9:00]. | |
7&8 Cross step Left behind Right, step Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right. | |
Bump & 1/4 Turn, Kick & Step, Sailor 1/2 Turn, & Press, 1/4 Turn. | |
1&2 Bump hips Right, Left, then bump back as you make 1/4 turn to Left (weight on Right) [6:00]. | |
3&4 Kick Left forward, step Left next to Right, step Forward on Right. | |
5&6 Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left behind Right, 1/4 turn to Left stepping Right next to Left, | |
step forward on Left. (sailor 1/2) [12:00]. | |
&7-8 Tap Right next to Left, press forward on Right, make 1/4 turn to Left as you step Left a large | |
step to Left side dragging Right toward Left [9:00]. | |
Twinkle 1/2 Turn, Rock, Recover, & Cross & Touch, 1/2, 1/4 Hitch. | |
1&2 Cross step Right over Left, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping back on Left, 1/4 turn to Right stepping Right to Right side [3:00]. | |
3-4 Cross rock Left over Right, recover on Right. | |
&5 Step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left. | |
&6 Step Left to Left side, touch Right toe behind Left | |
7-8 Unwind 1/2 turn to Right taking weight on Right, 1/4 turn to Right hitching Left knee [12:00]. | |
Cross Rock 1/4 Turn, 1/2, 1/2, Step, Back, Rock & 1/2, Pose. | |
1&2 Cross rock Left over Right, recover on Right, make 1/4 to Left stepping forward on Left [9:00]. | |
3&4 Make 1/2 turn to Left stepping back on Right, 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left,step forward on Right [9:00]. | |
5 Step back on Left. | |
6&7 Rock back on Right, recover on Left, make 1/2 turn to Left stepping back on Right [3:00]. | |
8 Touch Left in front of Right (knee bent) | |
Tag: End of Wall 1 to be danced only once. | |
1 Step forward on Left. | |
2&3 Step forward on Right, 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left, 1/2 turn Left stepping back on Right. | |
4 Touch Left in front of Right (knee bent) | |
At end of Wall 2 & Wall 5 instead of starting from Count 1 dance the last 16 Counts again.. | |
i.e. From Count 32 add & Step Left to Left side. Then dance from count 17. Twinkle 1/2 turn. This will happen facing the back wall both times & turn you to face front again. | |