After 4 taps of drumsticks, start dance on vocal | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sequence:A,A,A,A,B,A,A,Restart,A,C,A |
| Part A |
1-8 | Right heel touches, right vine, left heel touches, left vine |
1,2 | Tap R heel 2X |
3&4 | Step R, L behind R, step R |
5,6 | Tap L heel 2X |
7&8 | Step L, R behind L, step L |
9-16 | R forward, ½ pivot turn L, R forward, ½ pivot turn L, R sailor, L sailor, step R |
1,2 | Step forward on R, ½ pivot L, recover on L |
3,4 | Step forward on R, ½ pivot L, recover on L |
5&6&7&8 | Step R to right side, step L behind R, step forward on R. Step L to L side, step R behind L, step forward on L.Step forward on R |
17-24 | Forward L, ½ pivot turn R, ½ turn triple R, R coaster step, L cross and cross |
1,2 | Step forward on L, ½ turn pivot R, recover on R |
3&4 | Step L, R, L making a ½ turn right |
5&6 | Step back on R, step L next to R, step forward on R |
7&8 | Cross L over R, step on R, cross L over R |
25-32 | Step R right side, Step ¼ left on L, forward R rock step, forward L rock step, forward R, ½ pivot turn L |
1,2 | Step R to right side,, step ¼ left on L |
3&4 | Rock forward on R, recover weight on L, step back on R |
5&6 | Rock forward on L, recover weight on R, step back L |
7,8 | Step forward on R, ½ turn pivot L, recover weight on L |
| Part B: 24 counts |
| 5th wall (front wall) After last 8 counts, you are facing front wall. |
1-8 Jazz Box 2x |
1,2,3,4 | Cross R over L, step back on L, step R next to L, step L next to R |
5,6,7,8 | (Repeat) |
9-16 | Forward R, ½ pivot turn L, Forward R, ½ pivot turn L,Step out R, L. |
1,2 | Step R forward, ½ pivot turn left, recover L |
3,4 | Step R forward, ½ pivot turn left, recover L |
5,6,7,8 | Step R out, step L out, Step R in, step L in |
16-24 | R toe points 2X, R heel digs 2X, L toe points 2X, L heel digs 2X |
1&2&3&4& | Point R toe to right side, touch R back next to L,point R toe to right side,step R next to L.Tap R heel forward,touch R toe next to L, tap R heel forward, step R next to L |
5&6&7&8& | Point L toe to left side, touch L back next to R,point L toe to left side, step L next to R. Tap L heel forward, touch L toe next to R, tap L heel forward, step L next to R |
| Start ?A? again on 5th wall |
| Restart on 6th Wall after 24 counts, start ? A? again. |
| Part C: |
| End of dance slows down at the end of the 6th wall. |
| In the last 8 counts, after R forward rock, L recover, step back on R, step forward on L and hold for 8 counts, step ¼ R on R (3 o?clock wall) and hold for 4 counts, step L next to R and hold for 4 counts. Swivel hips slowly for 4 counts to R then crank your right arm in front of you R to L for 4 counts(vocal on ?all?) then start ?A? as soon as the song starts again.