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Welcome To The Family

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Mike O'Brien (UK) - July 2007
Welcome to the Family - Little Big Town
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16 count intro. Start on word ?welcome? with arms outstretched. 
Rock recover Coaster step. Pivot ¼ right. Shuffle left. 
1-2 Rock forward right recover on left, 
3&4 Step back on right, step left beside right, step forward right. 
5-6 Step forward left, pivot ¼ turns right. 
7&8 Step forward left, close right beside left, step forward left. 
Right heel & cross Rock & cross, 1/4 turn. Walk walk. Cross & heel 
1&2 Tap right heel forward, step back on right, step left across right, 
3&4 Step right to right side, step left in place. Step right over left, with ¼ turn left. 
5-6 Walk forward, left right. 
7&8 Step left over right, step back on right, tap left heel in front. 
Coaster step. Rock recover Triple ½ turn right. Rock & cross 
1&2 Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward left 
3-4 Rock forward on right, recover on left, 
5&6 Triple ½ turn right, stepping right left right. 
Tag: start tag here:7&8) then restart dance. 
7&8 Step left to left side step right in place, step left over right. 
Heel cross heel. Coaster step, 2 heel digs. Coaster step. 
1&2 Tap right heels in front, tap right toe across left, tap right heel in front. 
3&4 Step back on right, step left beside right, step forward right. 
5-6 Dig with left heel twice. 
7&8 Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward left. 
This phrased dance has got a TAG & RESTART in 2 places, on the FRONT wall only. 
On the front wall, you will hear the word shotgun. This word will come up twice on the front wall. 
This is the clue for the tag & restart in the two places. 
Start the tag in section 3 after 5&6 then re-start the dance. 
7&8. Triple ½ turn, left right left. 
You should now be facing the front wall. 
The actions are: hands out stretched to welcome the groom, holding a baby, digging a hole & holding a shotgun. 
This is a fun dance & ideal for a wedding.
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