Start the dance on the vocals after 40 counts of the heavy beat! | ||||||||||||||||
SECTION 1 | Low Kick Forward and to Side, Sailor Step, Low Kick Forward and to Side, Sailor Step ¼ Turn. | |||||||||||||||
1 - 2 | Low kick forward with your right foot, low kick to the side diagonally with your right foot. | |||||||||||||||
3 & 4 | Right sailor step, step right behind left, step left to left side, step right in place.. | |||||||||||||||
5 - 6 | Low kick forward with your left foot, low kick to the side diagonally with your left foot. | |||||||||||||||
7 & 8 | Left sailor step with a ¼ turn left, turning on the 2nd step. [Faces 9.00] | |||||||||||||||
SECTION 2 | Diagonal Step, Lock, Step, Lock, Step. Step Pivot Half Turn, Left Forward Shuffle. | |||||||||||||||
1 - 2 | On the diagonal facing slightly right, step forward on the right (1), lock left behind right (2) | |||||||||||||||
3 & 4 | Step forward on the right, lock left behind right, step forward on the right. | |||||||||||||||
5 - 6 | Step forward on the left, pivot ½ turn right?straightening up the wall. (3.00) | |||||||||||||||
7 & 8 | Left Forward Shuffle, stepping left, right, left. [Faces 3.00] | |||||||||||||||
SECTION 3 | Diagonal Step, Lock, Step, Lock, Step. Step Pivot Quarter Turn, Left Crossing Shuffle. | |||||||||||||||
1 - 2 | On the diagonal facing slightly right, step forward on the right (1), lock left behind right (2) | |||||||||||||||
3 & 4 | Step forward on the right, lock left behind right, step forward on the right. | |||||||||||||||
5 - 6 | Step forward on the left, pivot ¼ turn right?straightening up the wall. (6.00) | |||||||||||||||
7 & 8 | Left Crossing Shuffle, stepping left over right, step right to right side, step left over right. [Faces 6.00] | |||||||||||||||
SECTION 4 | Point, Hook, ½ Turn Right, Right Shuffle, Two Walks (or Full Turn) Jazz Jump, Step. | |||||||||||||||
1 - 2 | Point right toe to right side, (1) Turning ½ turn right on the ball of left, hook right over left (WOL) | |||||||||||||||
3 & 4 | Right Forward Shuffle, stepping right, left, right. | |||||||||||||||
5 - 6 | Walk forward Left, Walk Forward Right, (or Full Turn Left). | |||||||||||||||
& 7 | Jazz jump left out to left (&) right out to right (7) | |||||||||||||||
8 | Step forward on the left foot. [Faces 12.00] | |||||||||||||||
SECTION 5 | Rock, Recover, Right Turning Shuffle, Step Pivot Quarter Turn Right, Kick Ball Change. | |||||||||||||||
1 - 2 | Rock forward on the right, recover on to the left. | |||||||||||||||
3 & 4 | Turning over your right shoulder, execute a ½ turn right with a triple step. R-L-R | |||||||||||||||
5 - 6 | Step forward on the left, pivot ¼ turn right. Weight ends on the right. | |||||||||||||||
7 & 8 | Low kick forward with your left foot, step down on ball of the left, step right next to left. (WOR) [Faces 9.00] | |||||||||||||||
SECTION 6 | Diagonal Step, Lock, Step, Touch Heel Ball Cross, Quarter Turn Left & Side, Right Crossing Shuffle. | |||||||||||||||
1 - 2 | On the diagonal facing slightly left, step forward on the left (1), lock right behind left. (2) | |||||||||||||||
& 3 & 4 | Step forward on the left (&), touch heel right on the diagonal (3), step down on ball of right (&), cross left over right.(4) | |||||||||||||||
5 - 6 | Make a ¼ turn left stepping back on right, step left to left side. | |||||||||||||||
7 & 8 | Cross step right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left. [Faces 6.00] | |||||||||||||||
SECTION 7 | Rock, Recover, Behind, Side, & Cross, Toe Points Side, Front, Side, Back. | |||||||||||||||
1 - 2 | Side rock left out to left side, recover onto right. | |||||||||||||||
3 & 4 | Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right. | |||||||||||||||
5 - 6 | Tap right toes to right side, tap right toes across left foot. | |||||||||||||||
7 - 8 | Tap right toes to right side, tap right toes behind left heel. [Faces 6.00] | |||||||||||||||
SECTION 8 | Heel Jack, Steps Out & In, Two Walks (or Full Turn) Right Kick Ball Change. | |||||||||||||||
& 1 & 2 | Step back on right (&), tap left heel forward (1), Step left in place (&), Touch right in place (2) | |||||||||||||||
& 3 & 4 | Step right to right side (&), Step left to left side (3), Step right in place (&), Step left in place (4) | |||||||||||||||
5 - 6 | Walk Forward Right, Walk forward Left, (or Full Turn Right). | |||||||||||||||
7 & 8 | Low kick right foot forward, step down on right, step left next to right. (WOL) [Faces 6.00] | |||||||||||||||
TAG: On the third rotation dance through 32 counts?add a (8) count bridge?rock forward, recover, right coaster step and rock forward, recover, left coaster step and start the dance again - you should be facing the (12.00) front wall! |
| The dance will finish on the front wall (12.00) |
| This dance was written for Line Dance Instructor and my dear friend? Carol Huban - Florida - USA |
| Rhinestone Cowboy Line Dancing (UK)/ EMail / Website