CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Raelene Brown (AUS)
Words - SherriƩ Austin
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1-2Step forward on right hooking left foot behind right calf, step back on left pointing right foot forward (slightly off ground)
3&4(Coaster step with ½ turn left) step back on right, step left beside right, turn ½ left and step back on right
5-6Step back on left, step back on ball of right, pivot ½ right on both feet, coming out with weight on the left
7&8(Rolling back 1-½ turns) turn ½ right and step forward on right, step forward on left turning ½ right, turn ½ right and step forward on right
Alternately: turn ½ right and shuffle forward right, left, right. That's a bit easier
9-10Step forward on left, pivot 3/8 right bringing weight onto right
&11Bring left beside right, step forward on right, at same time bringing left ankle behind right ankle (ankles should be crossed (left behind right) and weight on right)
Travel forward down the floor for the next beats 12-16
12&Step back on left, turn ¼ right stepping right to the right side and slightly forward (body should be angled right)
13-14Step forward on left bringing right ankle behind left, rock back onto right
&15-16Step left to left side and slightly forward (angling body left), step forward on right bringing left ankle behind right ankle (weight is on right), rock back on left
17-18(With body still angled left) rock forward onto right, rock back onto left
19&20&(Turning 1/8 right to face wall) step ball of right to right side, step left to left side, cross/step ball of right behind left, step ball of left to left side
21-22Step right to right side, step left behind right
23&24Turn ¼ right and step forward on right, step left forward turning ½ right, step back on right
25-26Sweep left foot outwards and step back on left, sweep right foot outwards and rock/step back on right
27&28(Forward coaster) step/rock forward on left, bring right beside left, step back on left pointing right toes forward
29&30Roll a full turn right stepping right, left, right
31&32Roll a full turn left, stepping left, right, left
For good effect keep these two turns almost on the spot moving only slightly to the right and left. Pause slightly at the end of each turn

Alternately for beats 29-32:

29-30Step right to right side, drag and tap left beside right
31-32Step left to left side, drag and tap right beside left

On the third wall, start the dance again after beat 28. So just leave the two turns off the end
At the end of the 5th wall, add the following:

1-2&3-4Step right forward and slightly across left, lock left behind right, step right to right side, step left forward and slightly across right, rock back onto right
5-6-7&8Sweep left out to side and step back, sweep right out to side and step back, step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left (back coaster step)
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