CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Amanda's Dream (P)

( 1 Stimmen)
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Ian Ray (UK) & Sue Ray (UK)
Dream Weaver - The New Vagabonds
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Position: Starts in Closed Western, Man facing LOD, Lady facing RLOD
1-3MAN: Forward on left right left
 LADY: Back on right left right
4-6Both rotate, ½ turn to the right (lady faces LOD, man faces RLOD)
7-9Continue rotation another ½ turn to the right to end up where you started the dance
10-12MAN: Forward on right left right
 LADY: Back on left right left
Above 12 counts are danced traveling toward LOD all the time
13-15MAN: Step back on left, in place on right then left
 LADY: Step back on right, in place on left then right
Push away from each other ending up in open hand position
16-18MAN: While making ½ turn to the right, go forward and around the back of the lady to end up on her left side on right left right taking your left arm over lady's head ending in cuddle position facing RLOD
 LADY: Move forward and slightly to your right (on left, right left) to allow the man to pass behind you, ending up in cuddle with the man on your left both facing RLOD
19-21Both rotate ½ turn to the right to end up facing LOD still in cuddle
22-24MAN: Forward on right left right
 LADY: Roll out to your right on left right left. Keeping hold of your left hand with mans right one complete turn
End up both facing LOD side by side holding inside hands
25-27MAN: Forward and turning ¼ to right to face your lady, left lock, right. Left
 LADY: Forward and turning ¼ to left to face your man, right. Lock, left right
Touch hands together on count 3, mans left hand, lady's right hand
28-30MAN: Push away and forward on right left right
 LADY: Push away and forward on left right left
Both end up facing LOD still holding inside hands
31-33MAN: Forward slightly on left right left, turning lady in front of you with your left hand back into closed western position
 LADY: 1 ½ Turns to your left giving the man your right hand (release left) back into closed western
34-36BOTH: Travel LOD together as steps 10, 11, 12

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