CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Baby You're Right

( 1 Stimmen)
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Intermediate/Advanced waltz
Leonie Smallwood (AUS)
Baby, You're Right - Phil Vassar
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1-2-3Step left across in front of right (turn body to right diagonal), sweep right around to turn to left diagonal (2 counts)
4-5-6Step right forward, hold, step left beside right
1-2-3Step right forward, sweep left around to turn to right diagonal (2 counts)
4-5-6Step left forward, hold, step right beside left
1-2-3Step left forward, sweep right around to turn to left diagonal (2 counts)
4-5-6Step right forward, hold, step left beside right
1-2-3Step right forward, hold 2 counts
4-5-6Turn ½ left & rock weight to left, hold 2 counts
1-2-3Step right behind left, step left forward to turn to side wall, touch right beside left
4-5-6Step right to right side, drag left towards right (2 counts)
1-2-3Step left across behind right, step right to right side & turn ½ right, touch left beside right
4-5-6Step left to left side, drag right towards left (2 counts)
1-2-3Step right across behind left, step left to left side & turn ½ left, touch right beside left
4-5-6Step right to right side, drag left towards right (2 counts)
1-2-3Turn ¼ left to step/rock back on left, hold 2 counts
4-5-6Rock replace weight to right, hold 2 counts
1-2-3Cross waltz - left in front of right, right to right side, left in place
4-5-6Cross waltz right - right in front of left, left to left side, right in place
1-2-3Step left forward to turn full turn right on left (1, 2), step right forward (3)
4-5-6Step left forward (4) to turn ½ turn right on left (5, 6)
1-2-3Cross waltz right - right behind left, left to left side, right in place
4-5-6Cross waltz - left behind right, right to right side, left in place
1-2-3Turn ½ turn right to step right forward, hold, turn ½ turn right to step left back
4-5-6Step right back, hold, step left forward
1-2-3Step right across behind left, step left to left diagonal, step right to right diagonal
4-5-6Step left across behind right, step right to right diagonal, step left to left diagonal
1-2-3Step right across behind left, step left to left diagonal, step right to right diagonal
4-5-6Step left across behind right, step right to right diagonal, step left to left diagonal
1-2-3Step/rock right across behind left, hold 2 counts
4-5-6Rock replace weight to left, hold, step right beside left
1-2-3Step left back, drag right towards left (2 counts)
4-5-6Step right back, drag left towards right (2 counts)


During the 2nd wall, ¾ of the way through

1-2-3Turn ½ turn right to step right forward, hold, turn ½ turn right to step left back

4-5-6Step right back, hold, then replace step left forward with a hold
Then restart
During the 5th wall, ½ way through, where you Originally danced
1-2-3Turn ¼ left to step/rock back on left
4-5-6Rock replace weight to right
Do the same steps with a new count
1-3Step back, rock forward, hold
Then restart
Jes November 11, 2014
Awesome and fun to dance

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