1-2-3&4Rock right to right side, weight back onto left, right cross shuffle over left
5-6-7&8Rock left to left side, weight back onto right, left cross shuffle over right
1-4Rock right to right side, weight back onto left, cross right over left, hold
5-8Rock left to left side, weight back onto right, cross left over right, hold
1&2&3-4Right heel 45, left heel 45, right heel 45, right heel 45
&5&6&7-8Left heel 45, right heel 45, left heel 45, left heel 45
&1-4Take weight onto left, right toe strut across in front of left, left toe strut to left side
5-8Right box step with a ¼ turn to the right, taking weight onto left foot
1-4Step right to right side pushing hips right, left, right, left
5-8Cross right foot in front of left, step left to left side, step right behind left and left to left side
1-2-3&4Step right to right side, drag left towards right, step left behind right, right to right side and left in front of right
5-8Step right to right side pushing hips right, left, right, left
1&2-3&4Kick right foot across in front of left, ball change, kick right foot in front of left, ball change (kick cross ball change)
5-8Step right foot forward pivot ½ turn via left taking weight onto left, repeat
1-2&3-4Rock right to right side, rock weight back onto left, step right back and left across in front of right, hold
5-6&7-8Repeat rock right to right side, rock weight back onto left, step right back and left across in front of right, hold
On the 2nd wall, dance 16 beats then restart
Starting on the 4th wall, at the end of every wall to the end of the dance, add:
1-4Do hip bumps left, right, left, right
5-6-7&8Rock left to left side, weight back onto right, left cross shuffle over right
1-4Rock right to right side, weight back onto left, cross right over left, hold
5-8Rock left to left side, weight back onto right, cross left over right, hold
1&2&3-4Right heel 45, left heel 45, right heel 45, right heel 45
&5&6&7-8Left heel 45, right heel 45, left heel 45, left heel 45
&1-4Take weight onto left, right toe strut across in front of left, left toe strut to left side
5-8Right box step with a ¼ turn to the right, taking weight onto left foot
1-4Step right to right side pushing hips right, left, right, left
5-8Cross right foot in front of left, step left to left side, step right behind left and left to left side
1-2-3&4Step right to right side, drag left towards right, step left behind right, right to right side and left in front of right
5-8Step right to right side pushing hips right, left, right, left
1&2-3&4Kick right foot across in front of left, ball change, kick right foot in front of left, ball change (kick cross ball change)
5-8Step right foot forward pivot ½ turn via left taking weight onto left, repeat
1-2&3-4Rock right to right side, rock weight back onto left, step right back and left across in front of right, hold
5-6&7-8Repeat rock right to right side, rock weight back onto left, step right back and left across in front of right, hold
On the 2nd wall, dance 16 beats then restart
Starting on the 4th wall, at the end of every wall to the end of the dance, add:
1-4Do hip bumps left, right, left, right