CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Blame

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Trish Davies (AUS)
I'll Take the Blame - The Wheel
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1-4Shuffle side right (right-left-right), rock back left, rock forward onto right
5-8Shuffle side left (left-right-left), rock back right, rock forward onto left
9-12Step forward right, full turn left pivoting on right, shuffle forward left-right-left
13-162 right kick ball changes traveling slightly forward (kick right forward, lightly step right beside left & step forward left) twice
17-18&Step right side right, step left behind right, step right side right
19-20&Step left side left, step right behind left, step left side left
21-24Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left step forward right, tap left toe behind
25-28Shuffle back left-right-left, step back right, step forward left
29-32Step forward right, full turn left pivoting on right, shuffle forward left-right-left
33&34Sailor shuffle to left: (step right behind left, step left to side, return weight onto right)
35&36Sailor shuffle to right: (step left behind right, step right to side, return weight onto left)
37-40Shuffle forward right-left-right, scuff left forward, sweep left across in front of right shin
41-44Shuffle forward left-right-left, scuff right forward & back
45-48Touch right toe back, drop right heel, turning ½ turn left, touch left toe forward drop left heel
49-52Shuffle side right (right-left-right), 2 left heel digs at 45 degrees left
53-56Shuffle side left (left-right-left), 2 right heel digs at 45 degrees right (optional: when words are appropriate, add finger points with the heel digs)
57-60Turning ¼ turn to left, step back on right, touch left heel forward (optional hat touch), step left together, tap right toe behind
&61-62Step side right, touch left beside right, clap
&63-64Step side left, touch right beside left, clap

At then end of the 2nd & 3rd chorus (walls 3 & 5) please add this 16 beat interlude so the dance matches the turnaround of the music

1-2Touch right toe to side. Drop right heel
3&4Step left behind right. Step side right. Step left over right
5-8Touch right toe to side. Drop right heel. Bring left foot together & clap. Hold & clap
9-16Repeat same steps to left side commencing with left toe-heel drop to left
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