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Bubba Hyde Slyde (P)

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Greg Underwood (USA) & Max Perry (USA)
Bubba Hyde - Diamond Rio
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Position: Side by side position
1-2Kick left foot forward, step left foot in place next to right foot
3-6Point right toe forward, point right toe to right, point right toe back, step right foot next to left
7-8Point left toes back, hitch left knee up while scooting forward & angling slightly toward outside of circle
1-4Repeat counts 7,8 above twice more
5&6Step forward left foot, step forward right foot, turn ½ turn to left on ball of right foot
7&8Step forward left foot, step forward right foot, turn ½ turn to left on ball of right foot
Man will drop left hand & bring right hand over lady's head during first turn; on second turn man will bring right hand to rest behind back still holding lady's right hand, man will then hold left hand in front of lady & hold lady's left hand
1-4Grapevine left, touch right beside left
5-8MAN: (right grapevine moving left) step right foot behind left, step left on left, step right slightly in front of left, touch left beside right.
 LADY: Full turn right stepping right, left, right, left
Man releases right hand during lady's turn & turns her with left hand hold keeping hand at waist level. At end of sequence man's right hand is behind lady's back holding her right hand at her shoulder level, man's left hand is holding lady's left hand at her left side at waist level
&1-2MAN: Step side left on left, touch right beside left, hold. (during this move, man brings lady's right hand over her head & rests it on her left shoulder)
 LADY: Step side right on right, touch left beside, hold. Step side right on right going behind lady, step left beside right, hold, right, hold, step side left on
&3-4MAN: Step side right on right going behind lady, step left beside right, hold. (during this move man brings lady's left hand over her head & rests it on her right shoulder)
 LADY: Step side right on right, touch left beside right, hold, step side left on left stepping in front of man, step right beside left, hold

Bubba Hyde Slyde:

During this next sequence, man moves behind lady to her right side, lifting both arms up & returning to side by side position with hands at her shoulders
&5&6MAN: Step right on right, step left beside right, step right on right, step left beside right

 LADY: Step side left on left, step right beside left, step left on left, step right beside left
&7&8MAN: Step right on right, step left beside right, step right on right, touch left next to right
 LADY: Step left on left, step right beside left, step left on left, step right in place

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