1-2Stomp right forward, hold with a clap
3-4Stomp left forward, hold with a clap
5-6Stomp right forward, stomp left forward
7-8Clap hand together twice
1-2Swivel heels right, hold with a clap
3-4Swivel heels left, hold with a clap
5-6Swivel heels right, swivel heels center
7-8Clap hands together twice
1-2Step right to right, cross step left behind right
3-4Step right ¼ turn to the right, kick left forward with a clap
5-6Walk back left, walk back right
7-8Step back left, touch right back with a clap
1-2Strut forward right heel, drop toe
3-4Strut forward left heel, drop toe
5-6Step right forward, pivot ½ turn to the left
7-8Stomp right, stomp left
1-2Swivel heels right, hold with a clap
3-4Swivel toes right, hold with a clap
5-6Swivel toe left, swivel heels left
7-8Swivel toes left, swivel heels center
1-2Stomp right forward, hold with a clap
3-4Picot ½ turn left, hold with clap (weight on left)
5-6Stomp right forward, stomp left forward
7-8Clap hands together twice
3-4Stomp left forward, hold with a clap
5-6Stomp right forward, stomp left forward
7-8Clap hand together twice
1-2Swivel heels right, hold with a clap
3-4Swivel heels left, hold with a clap
5-6Swivel heels right, swivel heels center
7-8Clap hands together twice
1-2Step right to right, cross step left behind right
3-4Step right ¼ turn to the right, kick left forward with a clap
5-6Walk back left, walk back right
7-8Step back left, touch right back with a clap
1-2Strut forward right heel, drop toe
3-4Strut forward left heel, drop toe
5-6Step right forward, pivot ½ turn to the left
7-8Stomp right, stomp left
1-2Swivel heels right, hold with a clap
3-4Swivel toes right, hold with a clap
5-6Swivel toe left, swivel heels left
7-8Swivel toes left, swivel heels center
1-2Stomp right forward, hold with a clap
3-4Picot ½ turn left, hold with clap (weight on left)
5-6Stomp right forward, stomp left forward
7-8Clap hands together twice