1&2Sideways 3-step to the right
3-4Swing back onto left foot; step forward onto right foot
5&6Sideways 3-step to the left, making ½ turn to right
7-8Swing back on right; step forward on left
9-10With right-step on toe; snap down on heel
11-12With left-step on toe; snap down on heel
13&14With right, kick-ball-chance
15-16Place right toe forward; pivot ½ turn to left
17-20Vine to the right; end with a touch
21-24Rolling vine to the left; end with a touch
25-26Step onto right foot, making ¼ turn to right; hitch left knee
27-28Step back on left foot; step onto right foot next to left
29-32Swivel both heels-right; center; left; center
3-4Swing back onto left foot; step forward onto right foot
5&6Sideways 3-step to the left, making ½ turn to right
7-8Swing back on right; step forward on left
9-10With right-step on toe; snap down on heel
11-12With left-step on toe; snap down on heel
13&14With right, kick-ball-chance
15-16Place right toe forward; pivot ½ turn to left
17-20Vine to the right; end with a touch
21-24Rolling vine to the left; end with a touch
25-26Step onto right foot, making ¼ turn to right; hitch left knee
27-28Step back on left foot; step onto right foot next to left
29-32Swivel both heels-right; center; left; center