CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157907
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California Grindin

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Morgan Ratcliffe (USA)
Warning! Don't get the regular version! Some people may find it offensive! Not suitable for under 18s
&1Scuff left foot forward, step left foot forward
&2Tap right toe behind left twice
3&4Kick right foot to right side, step right foot next to left, step left foot to left side (slap both hands on hips on count 4)
5-6Bump hips to left, bump hips to right
&7&8Bend both knees, push hips back, push hips back to place, push hips back (knees still bent)
1Straighten knees as you raise right foot to left knee (raise both hands clasped above head and look to left)
2Step right foot to right side (hands go behind head then down to sides angle body and look to right diagonal)
3Lean body back to left as you push hands (fingers spread) forward right over left
&Lean body forward to right as you push hands down by side
4Repeat 3
&Replace weight onto right foot
5&6Cross rock left over right, replace weight onto right, push off right foot taking big step to left with left foot (drag right foot together)
7-8Step right foot to right side, step left foot to left
Styling: as you do 7-8, shrug shoulders alternately fast as you can
1-2Step right foot to right side making ¼ turn to right, body roll up from knee to head
&3Step left foot together as you raise up onto heels pushing knees out to side, return feet and knees to place
Arm styling - both arms push out to sides and return
&4Feet stay in place, right first comes up in front of face as you tilt head back slightly, return head to place (like nodding) as the fist comes down (still in front of face)
&5&6Step forward on right foot, twist both heels to right, twist heels left, twist heels right making ¼ turn left
Arm styling - & right arm (fist clenched)reaches up, 5 pull right arm down (like pulling whistle on a train) repeat for & then on 6 slap right hip
&7&8Feet stay in place - right arm goes forward (hand relaxed) (count &), left arm goes forward across right (count 7). Look down and up on count & 8
1&2&Rock left foot behind right, replace weight onto right foot, step left foot to left
Arm styling
1Punch right arm straight to right as you punch left arm bent to right
&Left arm straightens to left side as right arm bends to left
2Right arm straightens to right side as left arm bends to right (same position as (1)
&Left arm remains in place as right arm bends in (both fist should now be at shoulder height)
3-4Body roll head to toe, as arms go down parallel to body
5&6Jump both feet together as you make ¼ turn left, jump both feet in place making another ¼ turn left, jump both feet out
Arm styling: both arms (fists clenched) touch top of chest, on count 6 both arms go down to sides
&7Both knees pop in, and out
&8Feet jump together, feet jump out
Arm styling:
&8Right arm crosses in front of left (fingers spread), both arms go up and out to sides (elbows bent) as if to say what?

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