Position: Sweetheart
1-2Left rock forward, right rock back
5-6Right rock back, left rock forward
7&8½ turn left on cha-cha-cha
Arms raised, holding hands, left arms forward, right arms back (arms windmill let go left hands in the turn and rejoin both)
9-10Left rock back, right rock forward
11&12½ turn right cha-cha-cha
13-14Right rock back, left rock forward
15&16Cha-cha-cha turning ¼ right
Arms windmill keep holding both hands (both)
MAN: Drop left hand & spin lady ¾ turn left
LADY: Drop left hand to spin, rejoin to finish, arms extended in front, right hand on top (ready to go into window position)
17-18Step back on left right
Arms up into windows (both)
19&20Cha-cha-cha back turning ¼ left on left and right steps
21-22Right rock forward, left rock back
Break right hands rejoin under window (both)
25-26Step back left, pivot ½ turn to left (backwards) on this step, right together
Reverse windows position (both)
29-30Step back right, left together
Keep hold of right hand, break left hands in turn & rejoin into sweetheart position (both)
33-34Left rock forward, right rock back
Arms in sweetheart
37-38Right rock back, left rock forward
39&40¼ turn to left on cha-cha-cha
Start to windmill, drop left hands, right hands raised to spin lady 1 ¼ turn left, rejoin in sweetheart
1-2Left rock forward, right rock back
5-6Right rock back, left rock forward
7&8½ turn left on cha-cha-cha
Arms raised, holding hands, left arms forward, right arms back (arms windmill let go left hands in the turn and rejoin both)
9-10Left rock back, right rock forward
11&12½ turn right cha-cha-cha
13-14Right rock back, left rock forward
15&16Cha-cha-cha turning ¾ turn left across front of man
Arms windmill keep holding both hands (both)
MAN: Drop left hand & spin lady ¾ turn left
LADY: Drop left hand to spin, rejoin to finish, arms extended in front, right hand on top (ready to go into window position)
17-18Left rock forward right, right step back
Arms up into windows (both)
19&20Cha-cha-cha turning ¼ right backwards on right step
21-22Right rock back, left rock forward
Break right hands rejoin under window (both)
25-26Step forward left, pivot ½ turn to right, rock on right, left together
Arms reverse windows position (both)
29-30Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left, rock onto left, right together
Arms, keep hold of right hand, break left hands in turn & rejoin into sweetheart position (both)
33-34Left rock forward, right rock back
Arms in sweetheart
37-38Right rock back, left step forward
39&40Right-left-right 1 ¼ turns left
On these 4 steps to finish side by side, start to windmill, drop left hands, right hands raised to spin lady 1 ¼ turn left, rejoin in sweetheart
1-2Left rock forward, right rock back
5-6Right rock back, left rock forward
7&8½ turn left on cha-cha-cha
Arms raised, holding hands, left arms forward, right arms back (arms windmill let go left hands in the turn and rejoin both)
9-10Left rock back, right rock forward
11&12½ turn right cha-cha-cha
13-14Right rock back, left rock forward
15&16Cha-cha-cha turning ¼ right
Arms windmill keep holding both hands (both)
MAN: Drop left hand & spin lady ¾ turn left
LADY: Drop left hand to spin, rejoin to finish, arms extended in front, right hand on top (ready to go into window position)
17-18Step back on left right
Arms up into windows (both)
19&20Cha-cha-cha back turning ¼ left on left and right steps
21-22Right rock forward, left rock back
Break right hands rejoin under window (both)
25-26Step back left, pivot ½ turn to left (backwards) on this step, right together
Reverse windows position (both)
29-30Step back right, left together
Keep hold of right hand, break left hands in turn & rejoin into sweetheart position (both)
33-34Left rock forward, right rock back
Arms in sweetheart
37-38Right rock back, left rock forward
39&40¼ turn to left on cha-cha-cha
Start to windmill, drop left hands, right hands raised to spin lady 1 ¼ turn left, rejoin in sweetheart
1-2Left rock forward, right rock back
5-6Right rock back, left rock forward
7&8½ turn left on cha-cha-cha
Arms raised, holding hands, left arms forward, right arms back (arms windmill let go left hands in the turn and rejoin both)
9-10Left rock back, right rock forward
11&12½ turn right cha-cha-cha
13-14Right rock back, left rock forward
15&16Cha-cha-cha turning ¾ turn left across front of man
Arms windmill keep holding both hands (both)
MAN: Drop left hand & spin lady ¾ turn left
LADY: Drop left hand to spin, rejoin to finish, arms extended in front, right hand on top (ready to go into window position)
17-18Left rock forward right, right step back
Arms up into windows (both)
19&20Cha-cha-cha turning ¼ right backwards on right step
21-22Right rock back, left rock forward
Break right hands rejoin under window (both)
25-26Step forward left, pivot ½ turn to right, rock on right, left together
Arms reverse windows position (both)
29-30Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left, rock onto left, right together
Arms, keep hold of right hand, break left hands in turn & rejoin into sweetheart position (both)
33-34Left rock forward, right rock back
Arms in sweetheart
37-38Right rock back, left step forward
39&40Right-left-right 1 ¼ turns left
On these 4 steps to finish side by side, start to windmill, drop left hands, right hands raised to spin lady 1 ¼ turn left, rejoin in sweetheart