1Step forward right
&Scoot back on right and lift left knee
2Step forward left
&Scoot back on left and lift right knee up
3Step forward right
&Scoot back on right and lift left knee up
4Step forward left
5Step forward right, push right hip forward and lift right hip up
6Roll right hip backward and drop hip to complete a half circle right
7Push right hip forward and lift right hip up
8Roll right hip backward and drop hip to complete a half circle right
The weight is on the Left foot
9Step back right
10Step forward left (replace)
11Step forward right
12Step back left (replace)
13Step back right, lift left foot up
&Step forward left, lift right foot up
14Step forward right, lift left foot up
&Step back left, lift right foot up
15Step back right, lift left foot up
&Step forward left, lift right foot up
16Step forward right, lift left foot up
Use some arm styling on the rock steps for both the Single and Double Electric Kicks.
17Step side left
18Cross right foot behind left
19Step side left
20Touch right foot to left and clap hands
Put some arm styling in the jump. Straighten both arms out to the side on the jump. Bring the arms back to the body on the drag.
21Jumping off the left foot, step side right (this is a long step right)
22Drag left foot over to right foot
23Step together left
24Step in place (replace) right
25Jump, landing with feet apart
&Jump, landing with feet together
26Jump, landing with feet apart
&Jump, turning ½ left, landing with feet together
27Jump, landing with feet apart
&Jump, landing with feet together
28Jump, landing with feet apart
The weight is on the ball of the Left foot. Step four times on the ball of the Right foot to complete a ½ turn to face LOD again.
29Push off with right foot, 1/8 turn left off of left foot
30Push off with right foot, 1/8 turn left off of left foot
31Push off with right foot, 1/8 turn left off of left foot
32Push off with right foot, 1/8 turn left off of left foot
The Hip Hop has 96 counts. The Hip Hop Bang Bang has 64 counts. The 32 count Cowboy Hip Hop is probably the cutest of the Hip Hops. It is an easy dance for all ages.
This becomes a "super fun" dance when danced in lines facing. Have half the floor face west and half face east for a Contra Line dance. It may also be done with two lines facing.
1Step forward right
&Scoot back on right and lift left knee
2Step forward left
&Scoot back on left and lift right knee up
3Step forward right
&Scoot back on right and lift left knee up
4Step forward left
5Step forward right, push right hip forward and lift right hip up
6Roll right hip backward and drop hip to complete a half circle right
7Push right hip forward and lift right hip up
8Roll right hip backward and drop hip to complete a half circle right
The weight is on the Left foot
9Step back right
10Step forward left (replace)
11Step forward right
12Step back left (replace)
13Step back right, lift left foot up
&Step forward left, lift right foot up
14Step forward right, lift left foot up
&Step back left, lift right foot up
15Step back right, lift left foot up
&Step forward left, lift right foot up
16Step forward right, lift left foot up
Use some arm styling on the rock steps for both the Single and Double Electric Kicks.
17Step side left
18Cross right foot behind left
19Step side left
20Touch right foot to left and clap hands
Put some arm styling in the jump. Straighten both arms out to the side on the jump. Bring the arms back to the body on the drag.
21Jumping off the left foot, step side right (this is a long step right)
22Drag left foot over to right foot
23Step together left
24Step in place (replace) right
25Jump, landing with feet apart
&Jump, landing with feet together
26Jump, landing with feet apart
&Jump, turning ½ left, landing with feet together
27Jump, landing with feet apart
&Jump, landing with feet together
28Jump, landing with feet apart
The weight is on the ball of the Left foot. Step four times on the ball of the Right foot to complete a ½ turn to face LOD again.
29Push off with right foot, 1/8 turn left off of left foot
30Push off with right foot, 1/8 turn left off of left foot
31Push off with right foot, 1/8 turn left off of left foot
32Push off with right foot, 1/8 turn left off of left foot
The Hip Hop has 96 counts. The Hip Hop Bang Bang has 64 counts. The 32 count Cowboy Hip Hop is probably the cutest of the Hip Hops. It is an easy dance for all ages.
This becomes a "super fun" dance when danced in lines facing. Have half the floor face west and half face east for a Contra Line dance. It may also be done with two lines facing.