CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157775
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Ian Kneath (AUS) & Tim Kneath (AUS)
Country Crowd - Lee Kernaghan
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1-4Right kick ball change-step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn left
5-8Right kick ball change-step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn left
9-10Stomp right, kick right
11-12Step right to side, touch left toe behind, step left to side, touch right toe behind
13-14Step right to side, touch left toe behind, step left to side, touch right toe behind
15-18Vine right, slap inside left foot in front
19-22Vine left, slap inside right foot in front
23-26Vine back on right, hitch left and clap
27-30Lock forward on left, and stomp right (lock forward right behind left and stomp)
31-34Touch left foot to side, slap behind with right hand (outback)
35-38Touch right foot to side, slap behind with left hand (outback)
39&40Right ball cross
41-42Vine right
43&44Left ball cross
45-46Vine left
47-50Double hip bumps right, left
51-54Single hip bumps right-left-right-left
55-60Shuffle right forward, shuffle left forward (shuffle forward right-left-right, shuffle forward left-right-left)
61-64Right across left, step left, back, step right left, turning ¼ turn right (box step)
65-68Jump feet apart, cross right over left turning ½ turn
69-72Jump feet apart, cross right over left turning ½ turn

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