contra dance
1-4Swivel heels to left, center, right, center.
5-8Step forward right, pivot ½ turn to left, repeat.
9-10Tap right heel forward, touch right toe next to left.
11-12Tap right heel forward twice.
&Bring right back next to left (shift weight to right).
13-14Tap left heel forward, touch left toe next to right.
15-16Tap left heel forward twice.
17-20Grapevine left, brush right forward.
21-24Turning grapevine right, stomp left.
25&26Shuffle forward left-right-left.
27&28Shuffle forward right-left-right, hooking right arms with person in line facing you.
29&30Shuffle forward left-right-left, while both dancers turn ½ to their right.
31&32Release arms & shuffle back right-left-right.
33-34Step left to left side, kick across left with right.
35-36Step right to right side, kick across right with left.
37-40Repeat steps 33-36.
41-44Turning grapevine left, brush right forward.
45-48Grapevine right, stomp left.
5-8Step forward right, pivot ½ turn to left, repeat.
9-10Tap right heel forward, touch right toe next to left.
11-12Tap right heel forward twice.
&Bring right back next to left (shift weight to right).
13-14Tap left heel forward, touch left toe next to right.
15-16Tap left heel forward twice.
17-20Grapevine left, brush right forward.
21-24Turning grapevine right, stomp left.
25&26Shuffle forward left-right-left.
27&28Shuffle forward right-left-right, hooking right arms with person in line facing you.
29&30Shuffle forward left-right-left, while both dancers turn ½ to their right.
31&32Release arms & shuffle back right-left-right.
33-34Step left to left side, kick across left with right.
35-36Step right to right side, kick across right with left.
37-40Repeat steps 33-36.
41-44Turning grapevine left, brush right forward.
45-48Grapevine right, stomp left.