Start dancing on 2nd set of vocals, when "H" sings "Into each Life...."
1Rock forward on right
2Rock back on left making ½ turn on ball of left foot (to the right)
3&4Triple step right, left, right
5Rock forward on left
6Rock back on right making ½ turn on ball of right foot (to the left)
7&Step left to side, close right side of left
8Step left to side and make half turn left
9&Step right to side, close left side of right
10Step right to side and make half turn right
11&Step left to side, close right side of left
12Step left to side
13&14Right shuffle forward (right, left, right)
15Scuff left foot forward
16On ball of right make ¼ turn to right, hooking left foot across front of right
17Scuff left forward
18Scuff left foot back
19&20Left shuffle forward (left, right, left)
21&22Shuffle forward right foot (stepping right, left) on 3rd count(22) make half turn over right shoulder as you step right forward
23&24Back shuffle left, right, left
25&26Right back coaster step (leading back with right, together with left, forward with right foot)
27Walk forward on left foot
28Walk forward on right foot
29Walk forward on left foot
30-32Bounce heels for 3 beats
1Rock forward on right
2Rock back on left making ½ turn on ball of left foot (to the right)
3&4Triple step right, left, right
5Rock forward on left
6Rock back on right making ½ turn on ball of right foot (to the left)
7&Step left to side, close right side of left
8Step left to side and make half turn left
9&Step right to side, close left side of right
10Step right to side and make half turn right
11&Step left to side, close right side of left
12Step left to side
13&14Right shuffle forward (right, left, right)
15Scuff left foot forward
16On ball of right make ¼ turn to right, hooking left foot across front of right
17Scuff left forward
18Scuff left foot back
19&20Left shuffle forward (left, right, left)
21&22Shuffle forward right foot (stepping right, left) on 3rd count(22) make half turn over right shoulder as you step right forward
23&24Back shuffle left, right, left
25&26Right back coaster step (leading back with right, together with left, forward with right foot)
27Walk forward on left foot
28Walk forward on right foot
29Walk forward on left foot
30-32Bounce heels for 3 beats