1-4Vine (or vine) right, tap left together
5-6Step left back, tap right together
7-8Step right to right, tap left together
9-12Vine left, tap right together
13-14Step right forward, tap left together
15-16Step left to left, tap right together
17-18Step right to right, hold
19-20Tap right toe behind left, tap right toe behind left
21-22Step left to left, hold
23-24Tap right toe behind left, tap right toe behind left
25-26Touch right toe to right, hitch right and ¼ turn to the left
27-28Right 45, right brush-up
29-30Step right 45, left together and clap
31-32Step left back 45, right together and clap
5-6Step left back, tap right together
7-8Step right to right, tap left together
9-12Vine left, tap right together
13-14Step right forward, tap left together
15-16Step left to left, tap right together
17-18Step right to right, hold
19-20Tap right toe behind left, tap right toe behind left
21-22Step left to left, hold
23-24Tap right toe behind left, tap right toe behind left
25-26Touch right toe to right, hitch right and ¼ turn to the left
27-28Right 45, right brush-up
29-30Step right 45, left together and clap
31-32Step left back 45, right together and clap