1-4Step left to left side, slide right together & shimmy, step right
5-8Step left to left side, slide right together & shimmy, step right
1-3&4Touch right heel forward, touch right toe next to left, right heel forward, bring right in and switch to left heel forward
&5&6Bring left in and switch to right heel forward, bring right in and switch to left heel forward, while turning ¼ turn to the left
&7&8Bring left in, scuff right foot, stomp right foot
1-4Bump hips to right twice, bump hips to left twice
5-8Bump hips once to the right, once to the left, twice to the right (or stomp right, clap hands)
5-8Step left to left side, slide right together & shimmy, step right
1-3&4Touch right heel forward, touch right toe next to left, right heel forward, bring right in and switch to left heel forward
&5&6Bring left in and switch to right heel forward, bring right in and switch to left heel forward, while turning ¼ turn to the left
&7&8Bring left in, scuff right foot, stomp right foot
1-4Bump hips to right twice, bump hips to left twice
5-8Bump hips once to the right, once to the left, twice to the right (or stomp right, clap hands)