1-2Stomp right foot twice
3Touch right toe to right side
4Make ½ turn to right on ball of left foot and step right beside left
5-6Touch left toe to left side; close
7&8Right kick ball-change
1&2Shuffle forward right-left-right
3-4Rock forward left; recover back right
5&6Shuffle backward left-right-left
7-8Step right foot back making ½ turn right; step left beside right
1With weight on right toe and left heel move toes out
2With weight on left toe and right heel move toes in
3With weight on right toe and left heel move toes out
4With weight on left toe and right heel move toes in
5With weight on left toe and right heel move toes out
6With weight on right toe and left heel move toes in
7With weight on left toe and right heel move toes out
8With weight on right toe and left heel move toes in
1Step left behind right
&2Step right to right side (&); cross left over right (2)
&3Step right to right side (&); extend left heel forward (3)
&4Step left to left side (&); cross right over left (4)
&5Step left to left side (&); extend right heel forward (5)
6Brushing foot against floor, kick right foot back (bending knee), while turning ¼ to left on left foot
7&8Right kick ball-change
1-2Kick right foot forward twice
3-4Cross right foot over left; unwind ½ turn to left
5&6Shuffle left-right-left to left side
7-8Rock back right; recover forward left
1&2Shuffle right-left-right to right side
3-4Rock back left; recover forward right
5-7Walk forward left, right, left
8Kick right foot forward
3Touch right toe to right side
4Make ½ turn to right on ball of left foot and step right beside left
5-6Touch left toe to left side; close
7&8Right kick ball-change
1&2Shuffle forward right-left-right
3-4Rock forward left; recover back right
5&6Shuffle backward left-right-left
7-8Step right foot back making ½ turn right; step left beside right
1With weight on right toe and left heel move toes out
2With weight on left toe and right heel move toes in
3With weight on right toe and left heel move toes out
4With weight on left toe and right heel move toes in
5With weight on left toe and right heel move toes out
6With weight on right toe and left heel move toes in
7With weight on left toe and right heel move toes out
8With weight on right toe and left heel move toes in
1Step left behind right
&2Step right to right side (&); cross left over right (2)
&3Step right to right side (&); extend left heel forward (3)
&4Step left to left side (&); cross right over left (4)
&5Step left to left side (&); extend right heel forward (5)
6Brushing foot against floor, kick right foot back (bending knee), while turning ¼ to left on left foot
7&8Right kick ball-change
1-2Kick right foot forward twice
3-4Cross right foot over left; unwind ½ turn to left
5&6Shuffle left-right-left to left side
7-8Rock back right; recover forward left
1&2Shuffle right-left-right to right side
3-4Rock back left; recover forward right
5-7Walk forward left, right, left
8Kick right foot forward