CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Neal Mifsud (AUS)
Everywhere - Fleetwood Mac
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1-2Rock left across in front of right, rock back right
3&4Shuffle left, right, left to left
5-6Rock right across behind left, rock forward left
7&8Shuffle right, left, right to right side while turning ½ turn left
1-2Rock left back diagonally to side, rock weight to right
The following forward sailor shuffles are traveling forward
3&4Step left across in front of right, step ball of right to right side, replace weight on left
5&6Step right across in front of left, step ball of left to left side, replace weight on right
7&8Step left across in front of right, step ball of right to right side, replace weight on left
1-2Step right across in front of left, step left to side while turning ¼ turn right
3&4Step right back, step left together, step right forward
5-6Step left forward, pivot ¾ turn right while stepping right across left
7&8Step left to side, step right across behind left, replace weight on left
1-2Step right to side, step left across behind right
3&4While turning ¼ turn right shuffle forward right, left, right
5-6Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right
7&8Step left to side, step right across behind left, replace weight on left
1-2Step right to side, drag left behind right
3&4Step left across behind right, step right to side, step left across in front of right
5-6Step right to side, step left across behind right
7&8While turning ¼ turn right shuffle forward right, left, right
1-2Step left forward, pivot ¼ turn right
3&4Step left across in front of right, step right to side, step left across in front of right
5-6Step right to side, step left across behind right
7&8Shuffle right, left, right to right side while turning full turn right
1-2Step left to side, drag right behind left
3&4Step right across behind left, step left to side, step right across in front of left
5-6Step left to side, step right across behind left
7&8While turning ¼ turn left shuffle forward left, right, left
1-2Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left
3&4Step right across in front of left, step left to side, step right across in front of left
5-6Step left to side, step right across behind left
7&8While turning ¼ turn left step left forward, diagonally right step right forward, while turning ¼ turn left step left in place
1&2Shuffle forward right, left, right
3-4Rock forward left, rock back right
5&6Shuffle back left, right, left
7-8Rock back right, rock forward left
1-2While turning ½ turn left step right back, while turning ½ turn left step left forward
3&4Shuffle forward right, left, right
5-6Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right
7-8While turning ½ turn right step left back, while turning ½ turn right step right forward


The following bridge occurs at the end of the second wall

1-2Rock left across in front of right, rock back right

3&4Shuffle left, right, left to left
5-6Rock right across in front of left, rock back left
7&8While turning ¼ turn right shuffle forward right, left, right
1-2Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left
5-6Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left
7&8While turning ¼ turn left shuffle right, left, right to side
On the third wall, the following bridge occurs at the end of the 8th lot of eight beats
For the last two counts (7&8) of the 8th lot of eight beats, shuffle a full turn instead of a half turn and then repeat the steps from the 5th lot of eight beats through to the 8th lot of eight beats as normal.
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