1Rock back onto right
2Rock forward onto left
3&4Chasse right, making a ¼ turn right at the end
5Step forward left
6Pivot ½ turn right
7&8Left shuffle forward
9Step right to right side
10&Step left behind right, step right to right side
11Step left in front of right
12Step right to right side
13Rock back onto left
14Rock forward onto right
15&16Chasse left making a ¼ turn left at the end
17-18Walk forward right, left
19&20Right shuffle forward
21Rock forward onto left
22Rock back onto right
23&24Left coaster step
25Rock forward onto right
26Rock back onto left
27&28Shuffle ½ turn right
29Step forward left
30&Touch right toe beside left foot, step back onto right foot
31&Left heel dig, step onto left foot
32Touch right toe beside left
33&34&Heel switches right and left
35-36Kick right foot twice
36&38&Hell switches left and right
39-40Kick left foot twice
&41&42&Make ¼ turn left, heel switches right and left
43-44Kick right foot twice
45-46Step right long step to right, bring left beside right, left taking the weight
At the end of wall 4, hold for an extra 3 beats before starting the dance from the top
2Rock forward onto left
3&4Chasse right, making a ¼ turn right at the end
5Step forward left
6Pivot ½ turn right
7&8Left shuffle forward
9Step right to right side
10&Step left behind right, step right to right side
11Step left in front of right
12Step right to right side
13Rock back onto left
14Rock forward onto right
15&16Chasse left making a ¼ turn left at the end
17-18Walk forward right, left
19&20Right shuffle forward
21Rock forward onto left
22Rock back onto right
23&24Left coaster step
25Rock forward onto right
26Rock back onto left
27&28Shuffle ½ turn right
29Step forward left
30&Touch right toe beside left foot, step back onto right foot
31&Left heel dig, step onto left foot
32Touch right toe beside left
33&34&Heel switches right and left
35-36Kick right foot twice
36&38&Hell switches left and right
39-40Kick left foot twice
&41&42&Make ¼ turn left, heel switches right and left
43-44Kick right foot twice
45-46Step right long step to right, bring left beside right, left taking the weight
At the end of wall 4, hold for an extra 3 beats before starting the dance from the top