CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157742
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Father & Son

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Simon Ward (AUS) & Ian Dunn (AUS)
I Love You This Much - Jimmy Wayne
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1-2&Rock/step right forward, rock/step left back, step right beside left
3-4&Rock step left forward, rock/step right back, step left beside right
5-6Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left
7&8Traveling forward, turn a full turn right stepping right, left, right
1&2Rock/step left forward, rock/step right back, step left back (large step) at 45 degrees left dragging right towards left
3&4Still traveling on the 45 degrees left back, cross right over left, step left slightly back, cross/step right over left
5&6Turning a reverse full turn right, stepping left, right, left, raising right knee on count 6 (should be traveling right)
7-8Step right to right side dragging left towards right, touch left beside right
&1&2Step left slightly back, touch right heel forward, step onto right, step left slightly forward turning ½ turn right swinging right around
3-4&Rock/step right back, rock/step left forward, turn a ¼ turn left stepping onto right
5-6&Rock/step left back, rock/step right forward, turn a ½ turn right stepping onto left
7-8Rock/step right back, rock/step left forward
1-2Step right forward slightly crossing over left & drag left around, step left forward slightly crossing over right & drag right around
3&4Cross/step right over left, step left slightly back turning ¼ turn right, complete ¼ turn right stepping right to right side
5&6Cross/rock left over right, rock/step right back, step left to left side turning ¼ turn left
7&8Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left, turn a further ¼ turn left stepping right to right side
1-2&Sway hips left-right, step left slightly together


On wall 3 you will need to add an extra 6 counts after the hip sways (leave the & count out)

1-6&Sway hips left, right turning ¼ turn right on right hip sway, step left forward, pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right, turn a further ¼ turn left and sway hips left, right, (now add the & count on to restart)

On wall 5 you will only add an extra 2 hip sways on the restart

Restart on the 6th wall after count 20

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