CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Fool No More

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Gary Steele (UK) & Angela Palmer (UK)
Fool No More - S Club 8
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1&2Kick forward on the right, ball-step left forward
3&4Point right to right side, bring right together, point left to side
5&6Kick forward on the left, ball-step right forward
7&8Point left to left side, bring left together, point right to side
1-2Rock right out to side, recover
3&4Behind-side cross
5-6Side left, bring right together
7&8Chasse to left making a ¼ turn to the left
1-2Step forward on right, ½ pivot over left shoulder
3&4Shuffle forward on the right
5&6Heel dig with left, bring left together, heel dig right
&7Bring right together, heel dig left
8Clap hands
1&2Sailor left
3&4Sailor right
5-6Left toe dig behind right, unwind ½ turn over left shoulder
7&8Crossing shuffle with the right
1-2Body roll to the left, touch right next to left
3-4Body roll to the right, touch left next to right
5-6Step left diagonally forward, bring right together and touch
7-8Step right diagonally forward, bring left together and touch
1-2Rock forward on the left, recover
3-4Two moonwalks back (left, right)
5&6Coaster left
7&8Two walks forward right left


On the 6th wall (9:00) near the end of the dance you will do your left coaster and then you will walk forward right. On the '&' count bring left foot next to right so you can restart the dance again

Instead of a behind-side cross, you can do a full turn cha-cha. On the moonwalks back you can just walk back for 2. With the body rolls you can just step to the side and touch

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