CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Foolish Love

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Chris Bramall
Foolish Love - Lazy Dog
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1-2Rock right foot behind left, rock forward on to left
3-4Step right foot to right side, touch left foot beside right
5-6Step left foot to left side, touch right foot beside left
7&8Step right to right side, step left beside right, step right to right side (right side shuffle)
Steps 9-16 coincide with the words "push comes to shove" in the music
9-10Dig left heel forward, rock back on right
Styling: Have knees slightly bent, "push hands forward, at arms length, palm forward"
11&12Step back on left, step back on right, step forward on left (coaster step)
13Pivoting on left foot, touch right foot to right side and turn body to left
14-15-16Repeat step 13 three times making a total, 1 ¼ turns to left
Styling: "Shove" palms of hands backwards at hip level
17-18Step right 45degrees diagonally forward right, touch left beside right
19-20Step left 45degrees diagonally back to left, touch right beside left
&21Jump feet apart about 12inchs right, left
&22Jump feet together left, right (weight on left)
23-24Cross right foot in front of left, unwind ½ turn to left (weight on left)
25-26Step right foot to right side, touch left beside right
27-28Step left foot to left side, touch right beside left
29-30Step right foot to right side, touch left beside right
31-32Step left foot to left side, step right beside left, step left to left side (left side shuffle)

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