CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157886
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( 1 Stimmen)
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June Toh (MY)
Friends - Emil Chau
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Sequence: AB Bridge ABB Tag1 B Tag2 AA

1-2&Rock right to right, recover weight onto left, step right beside left
3-4&Rock left to left, recover weight onto right, step left beside right
5-6&Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left, making a ½ turn left step right beside left (12:00 wall)
7-8&Rock left back, recover weight onto right with a ¼ turn left, step left across
9Facing left diagonal (9:00 wall) rock right back
10&Recover weight onto left, step right beside left with a ¼ turn left
11Facing left diagonal (6:00 wall) rock left back
12&Recover weight onto right, straighten up to face 6:00 wall
13&Rock left to left, recover weight onto right
14&Step left across right, step right to right
15&Step/cross left behind right, sweep right around to end behind left
16&Step/cross right behind left, step left to left
17-18&Step right forward to left diagonal, step left forward to left diagonal, pivot ½ turn right
19Facing left diagonal (12:00 wall) step left forward
20&Straightening up to face 12:00 wall rock right to right, recover weight onto left
21-21&Step right across left, step left to left, slide/step right across left
23-24&Step left to left, step right back, step left beside right
25-26&Step right forward, step left forward, step right beside left
27-28Step left back, step right back
29-30Rock weight forward onto left, step right forward
31&32Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right, step left forward

1&With body facing slightly left diagonal tap right to right diagonal, repeat
2Lunge/step right to right diagonal
3&With body facing slightly right diagonal tap left to left diagonal, repeat
4Lunge/step left to left diagonal
5&6Step right forward, recover weight onto left, step right back to right diagonal
7&8Step left behind right, recover weight onto right, lunge/step left to left
9-10&Step right behind left, recover weight onto left, step right back making a ¼ turn left
11&12&Step left forward making a ½ turn left, step right, left, right making a full turn forward (to the right)
13-14Step left back, sweep right around to step behind left
15&16Sweep left around to step behind right, step right to right, step left to left (sailor step)
17-32Repeat counts 1- 16
33-34Sway hips right, left

1-2&Rock right across left, recover weight onto left, step right beside left
3-4&Rock left across right, recover weight onto right, step left beside right
5-6&Rock right back, recover weight onto left, step right beside left
7-8&Rock left forward, pivot ½ turn right, step left beside right
9-16Repeat counts 1-8
17-18&Rock right behind left, recover weight onto left, step right beside left
19-20&Rock left behind right, recover weight onto right, step left beside right
21-22&Rock right to right, recover weight onto left, cross/step right over left
23-24&Making a ¼ turn right, rock left to left, recover weight onto right, step left beside right
25-32Repeat counts 17-24
33-34&Rock right behind left, recover weight onto left, step right beside left
35-36&Rock left behind right, recover weight onto right, step left beside right

1-2Sway hips right, left

1-2Step right forward to right diagonal, drag left foot towards right foot
3-4Step left back to left diagonal, drag right foot towards left foot
5-8Hold with weight on left
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