1-2-3-4Tap left toes to left side, lift left foot across to right knee & slap bottom of left foot with right hand
5-6-7-8Tap left toes to left side, lift left foot across to right knee & slap bottom of left foot with right hand
1-2-3-4Left heel/toe forward & clap hands, right heel/toe forward & clap hands
5-6-7-8Tap left toes to left side, lift left foot behind right leg to back on right knee & slap with right hand
1-2-3-4Tap left toes to left side, lift left foot behind right leg to back on right knee & slap with right hand
5-6-7-8Left heel/toe forward & clap hands, right heel/toe forward & clap hands
1-2-3-4Rock to left onto left foot, rock to right onto right foot, step left across right & hold & slap hands to side of legs
5-6-7-8Rock to right onto right foot, tock to left onto left foot, step right across left & hold & slap hands to side of legs
1-2-3-4Step left back, cross right over left, step left back, hold
5-6-7-8Step right back, cross left over right, step right back, hold
1-2-3-4Turning ½ to left on left-right-left-right
5-6-7-8Tap left toes to left side, lift left foot across to right knee & slap bottom of left foot with right hand
1-2-3-4Left heel/toe forward & clap hands, right heel/toe forward & clap hands
5-6-7-8Tap left toes to left side, lift left foot behind right leg to back on right knee & slap with right hand
1-2-3-4Tap left toes to left side, lift left foot behind right leg to back on right knee & slap with right hand
5-6-7-8Left heel/toe forward & clap hands, right heel/toe forward & clap hands
1-2-3-4Rock to left onto left foot, rock to right onto right foot, step left across right & hold & slap hands to side of legs
5-6-7-8Rock to right onto right foot, tock to left onto left foot, step right across left & hold & slap hands to side of legs
1-2-3-4Step left back, cross right over left, step left back, hold
5-6-7-8Step right back, cross left over right, step right back, hold
1-2-3-4Turning ½ to left on left-right-left-right