CopperKnob Stepsheets

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God Bless The Child

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Simon Ward (AUS)
God Bless The Child (CD Single) - Shania Twain
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1-2Step left forward slightly dragging right forward, step right forward slightly dragging left forward
3&4&Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right, step left forward, step right forward pivoting ½ turn left
5-8&Repeat above counts
1-2&Step left to left slightly dragging right, cross/rock right over left, rock weight back on left
3-4&Step right to right into ¼ turn right slightly dragging left, step left forward, pivot ¾ turn right
5-6Step left to left swaying hips to left, sway hips to right
&7&8&Circle hips around to right for these counts. Weight ends on left
1-2Pivot ½ turn left on left foot then step right to right side dragging left foot towards right (large step), touch left toe behind right and click right fingers looking to right
3-4Step left to left side dragging right towards left (large step), touch right toe behind left and click left fingers looking left
5&6&Rock right to right, return weight onto left, cross/step right over left, step left to left turning ¼ right
7-8Step right back into ¼ turn right dragging left towards right, tap ball of left next to right
1&Turning a full turn left step left, right
2&Complete full turn left rocking left to left side, step onto right starting a full turn right
3&Complete full turn right stepping onto left. Step right slightly to right side
4&Rock left slightly behind right, take weight onto right (soft rock)
5-6Turn a ¼ turn left and repeat the first two counts of the dance
7&Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right
8&Step left forward, slightly step right up to left and pivot ¾ turn left bringing left foot around

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