CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hillbilly Kung Fu

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Staniel Newhard & "Calamity" Jane Newhard (USA)
Kung Fu Fighting - Carl Douglas
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1Step right to right side, bend right knees slightly
2Move left hand to center chest and extend right arm left across body
3Left knee hitch right across front of body
4Left step left
5Shift weight to left, bend left knee slightly
6Right hand to chest & extend left arm to the right, across body
7Right knee hitch left across front of body
8Right step right
1Right arm extends to right, left hand to chest (as a karate chop)
2Pivot on right ½ turn right, point left toe to left side. Both hands are to chest
3Left arm extends to left (as a karate chop)
4Pivot on left ½ turn to the left, point right toe to right, left hand to chest
&5-6Shift weight to right, kick left front twice
7-8Step back on left, pivot left ¼ turn

1Step right heel front, extend left arm in punching motion with fist
2Drop right toe, hold extended punch
3Step left heel front, punch right fist front
4Drop left toe, hold extended punch
5-8Repeat 1-4
1Step right to right side
2Cross left behind right
3Kick right to right side
4Cross right over left
5Step left to left side
6Cross right behind left
7Kick left to left side
8Step left beside right
1-2Kick right front twice
3-4Pivot on left ¼ turn right, kicking right twice
5Step forward on right
6Kick left front
7Pivot on right ¼ turn left, kicking left front
8Step left beside right

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