Position: Done in off-set contra lines or in a circle
1-4Bump hips right, right, left, left as you roll hand up twice and down twice as you bend body up then down
5-8Vine right, touch left and bump hips right and clap
9-12Repeat 1-4 reversing hip movement
13-16Vine left, ¼ turn left-touch right/clap and bump left
17-18Side step right, step left behind right
19-20Side step right, step left across right
21-22Step forward right and sway hips right, pivot 1/8 left and sway hips left
23-24Step forward right and sway hips right, pivot 1/8 left and sway hips left
Now facing opposite line
25-27Step forward right, left, right
28Kick forward left-slap hands with 2 people in opposite line and yell "hey mon"
29-31Step back left, right, left
32Touch right and yell "go mon"
1-4Bump hips right, right, left, left as you roll hand up twice and down twice as you bend body up then down
5-8Vine right, touch left and bump hips right and clap
9-12Repeat 1-4 reversing hip movement
13-16Vine left, ¼ turn left-touch right/clap and bump left
17-18Side step right, step left behind right
19-20Side step right, step left across right
21-22Step forward right and sway hips right, pivot 1/8 left and sway hips left
23-24Step forward right and sway hips right, pivot 1/8 left and sway hips left
Now facing opposite line
25-27Step forward right, left, right
28Kick forward left-slap hands with 2 people in opposite line and yell "hey mon"
29-31Step back left, right, left
32Touch right and yell "go mon"