1-2-3&4Step right forward, replace weight on left, (right coaster step) step right back, step left together, step right forward
5-6-7&8Step left forward, pivot ½ turn to right, shuffle forward (left-right-left)
1&2&3&4Touch right heel forward, step right together(&), touch left heel forward, step left together and to left (&), step right to right (weight right), clap twice
5&6-7&8Step left behind right, step right to right, replace weight onto left (left sailor), step right behind left, step left to left, step right over left
1-2&3&4Step left to left, touch right next to left, jump right to right (&), shuffle left over right (left-right-left)
5-6-7&8Step right to right, replace weight onto left turning ¼ turn to left, right shuffle forward (right-left-right)
1&2-3&4Touch left heel forward, step left together (&), step left forward, clap three (3) times
5-6-7&8Step left forward, replace weight onto right, turning ½ turn left shuffle left-right-left
5-6-7&8Step left forward, pivot ½ turn to right, shuffle forward (left-right-left)
1&2&3&4Touch right heel forward, step right together(&), touch left heel forward, step left together and to left (&), step right to right (weight right), clap twice
5&6-7&8Step left behind right, step right to right, replace weight onto left (left sailor), step right behind left, step left to left, step right over left
1-2&3&4Step left to left, touch right next to left, jump right to right (&), shuffle left over right (left-right-left)
5-6-7&8Step right to right, replace weight onto left turning ¼ turn to left, right shuffle forward (right-left-right)
1&2-3&4Touch left heel forward, step left together (&), step left forward, clap three (3) times
5-6-7&8Step left forward, replace weight onto right, turning ½ turn left shuffle left-right-left