CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The World Needs A Drink

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Michele (Russell) Cooke (USA) & Lenore Sing
The World Needs a Drink - Terri Clark
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1-8Right toe-heel touches to the right, left toe-heel touches to right as you cross the right, repeat right toe-heel touches to the right, repeat left toe-heel touches to right as you cross right
Snap fingers on beats 2,4,6 & 8
9-16Two right Monterey turns, step right to right side, pivot on left as you turn ½ right, with weight on right, touch left to left side and return next to right, repeat
17-24Touch right toe-heel to left side, crossing left, step left toe-heel touches to left, repeat
Snap fingers on steps 18,20,22 & 24
25-26&27&28Kick right forward twice and kick ball change with left
29-32Reverse Monterey turn, step left to left side, pivot back to left ½ turn while keeping weight on right, touch right to right side, step right back next to left
33-34&35-36&Wizard Of Oz steps beginning with right, step forward with right, slide left behind and lock, transfer weight to right, almost like a hop onto the right, step left forward, slide right and lock, transfer or hop to left
37-38Turn ½ turn left, step forward right, pivot left transferring weight to left as you turn
39&40Mambo step right, step forward right, step left, step right back together with left
41-42&43-44&Wizard of oz steps beginning with left, then right, (see steps 41-44)
45-46Turn ½ turn right, step forward left, pivot right as weight transfers to right
47&48Mambo step left, step forward left, step right, step left back together with right
49&50Step slide back, step back on right, slide and lock left in front of right, step back on right
51&52Coaster step left, step back on left together with right, step forward on left
53-54Bump hip right, bump hip left
55&56Bump hips right, left, right
57-58&59-60&Wizard Of Oz steps beginning with left, then right
61-62Turn ½ turn right, step forward left, pivot right, weight transfers to right
63&64Mambo step left, step forward left, step right, step left back together with right
65-66&67-68&Wizard Of Oz steps beginning with right, then left
69-70Turn ½ turn left, step forward right, pivot left, weight transfers to left
71&72Mambo step right, step forward right, step left, step right back together with left
73&74Step slide back, step back left, slide and lock right in front of left, step back on left
75&76Coaster step right, step back on right, step together on left, step forward on right
77-78Bump hip left, bump hip right
79&80Bump hips left, right, left
81-84Monterey turn right
85-88Monterey turn right (repeat 81-84)
89&90Shuffle to right side; right, left, right
91-92Rock left behind right, stepping weight onto right (rock step)
93&94Shuffle to left side; left, right, left
95-96Rock right behind left, stepping weight onto left (rock step)


Restart after count 56 on walls 2 and 4

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