CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157775
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Willie Romp

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Mary Humphrey
Old Pop in an Oak - Rednex
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1-2Touch right toe to right side, step right foot home
3-4Touch left toe to left side, pivot ½ turn left stepping left foot at home
5-6Touch right toe to right side, step right foot home
7-8Touch left toe to left side, pivot ½ turn left stepping left foot at home
9&10Right shuffle to right side (right-left-right)
11-12Rock back on left foot, recover on right
13&14Left shuffle to left side (left-right-left)
15-16Rock back on right foot, recover on left
17&18Right shuffle forward (right-left-right)
19-20Rock forward on left foot, recover back on right
21&22Left shuffle backward (left-right-left)
23-24Rock back on right foot, recover forward on left
25-26Lean slightly to right and bump hips left twice (make lasso motion with right hand)
27-28Lean slightly to left and bump hips right twice (make lasso motion with left hand)
29-32Repeat 25 through 28
&33-34Shift weight to left foot, step forward on right, pivot ¼ turn left (weight o left)
35-36Stomp right, stomp left
37&38Kick right foot forward, step ball of right foot beside left, step left foot beside right
39&40Kick right foot forward, step ball of right foot beside left, step left foot beside right
41Step right foot to right side (bring arms up to shoulder height with fists) (like showing off muscles)
42-43Pump arms in forward and back motion for two counts
44Touch left foot beside right and clap hands
45&46Kick left foot forward, step ball of left foot beside right, step right foot beside left
47&48Kick left foot forward, step ball of left foot beside right, step right foot beside left
49Step left foot to left side (bring arms up to shoulder height with fists) (like showing off muscles)
50-51Pump arms in forward and back motion for two counts
52Touch right foot beside left and clap hands
53-56Step right foot to right side, step left behind right, step right to right, touch left beside right
&57Small step back on left, touch right heel forward
&58Step right home, touch left home
&59Small step back on left, touch right heel forward
&60Step right home, touch left home
61-64Step left foot to left side, step right behind left, step left to left, touch right beside left
&65Small step back on right, touch left heel forward
&66Step left home, touch right home
&67Small step back on right, touch left heel forward
&68Step left home, touch right home

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