1-2-3&4Rock/step right to side, replace weight to left, cross/step right behind left, step left to side, cross/step right over left
5-6-7&8Rock/step left to side, replace weight to right, cross/step left behind right, turn ¼ right & step forward right, step forward left
1-2-3&4Rock/step forward right, replace weight to left, right coaster
5-6-7&8Rock/step forward left, replace weight to right, turn ½ left & shuffle forward left-right-left
1-2-3&4Rock/step forward right, replace weight to left, right coaster
5-6-7&8Rock/step forward left, replace weight to right, turn ½ left & shuffle forward left-right-left
1&2&3&4Tap right heel to 45 degrees right, step right beside left & tap left heel to 45 degrees left, step left beside right & tap right heel to 45 degrees right, step right slightly back on ball of foot, step left in place (ball change)
5&6-7&8Turn ½ left & shuffle back right-left-right, turn further ½ left & shuffle forward left-right-left
At the beginning of wall 5 (front wall), repeat the first 8 counts, omitting the ¼ turn right. Restart facing the front wall.
On wall 8 (facing left side) leave off the last 8 counts of dance. So after turning shuffles, restart dance facing the front wall
5-6-7&8Rock/step left to side, replace weight to right, cross/step left behind right, turn ¼ right & step forward right, step forward left
1-2-3&4Rock/step forward right, replace weight to left, right coaster
5-6-7&8Rock/step forward left, replace weight to right, turn ½ left & shuffle forward left-right-left
1-2-3&4Rock/step forward right, replace weight to left, right coaster
5-6-7&8Rock/step forward left, replace weight to right, turn ½ left & shuffle forward left-right-left
1&2&3&4Tap right heel to 45 degrees right, step right beside left & tap left heel to 45 degrees left, step left beside right & tap right heel to 45 degrees right, step right slightly back on ball of foot, step left in place (ball change)
5&6-7&8Turn ½ left & shuffle back right-left-right, turn further ½ left & shuffle forward left-right-left
At the beginning of wall 5 (front wall), repeat the first 8 counts, omitting the ¼ turn right. Restart facing the front wall.
On wall 8 (facing left side) leave off the last 8 counts of dance. So after turning shuffles, restart dance facing the front wall