1-2-3&4Walk forward right, left and right shuffle
5-6-7&8Walk forward left, right and left shuffle
Alternatively you can turn a full turn over you right shoulder instead of the walks for those who want to be a bit more interesting and add style to the dance your choice but for the beginners its easier to walk forward
1-2-3-4Cross your right over your left strut right(toe, heel), making a quarter turn right over the right shoulder stepping back on to your left strutting at the same time left(toe heel)
5-6-7-8Side strut with your right(toe, heel)should now be facing the 3:00 wall. Bring your left foot together and strut with your left(toe, heel).this will look like a jazz box but with toe struts instead
1-2-3&4Point right toe to right side, full Monterey turn over your right shoulder (for counts 1-2) rock your left to left side and cross right over left (for counts 3&4)
5-6-7&8Rock recover on right foot and a coaster step(stepping right back together left forward)
1-2-3&4Rock recover on left foot and left coaster step(stepping left back bringing right together left forward)
5-6&7-8Step forward right, lock left foot behind right, step forward right step left to left side and touch right toe beside left
5-6-7&8Walk forward left, right and left shuffle
Alternatively you can turn a full turn over you right shoulder instead of the walks for those who want to be a bit more interesting and add style to the dance your choice but for the beginners its easier to walk forward
1-2-3-4Cross your right over your left strut right(toe, heel), making a quarter turn right over the right shoulder stepping back on to your left strutting at the same time left(toe heel)
5-6-7-8Side strut with your right(toe, heel)should now be facing the 3:00 wall. Bring your left foot together and strut with your left(toe, heel).this will look like a jazz box but with toe struts instead
1-2-3&4Point right toe to right side, full Monterey turn over your right shoulder (for counts 1-2) rock your left to left side and cross right over left (for counts 3&4)
5-6-7&8Rock recover on right foot and a coaster step(stepping right back together left forward)
1-2-3&4Rock recover on left foot and left coaster step(stepping left back bringing right together left forward)
5-6&7-8Step forward right, lock left foot behind right, step forward right step left to left side and touch right toe beside left